Original Post — Direct link

EA are a bad company, but at least their games work. I'm having nothing but problems with Ubisoft games. Especially Division 2, crashes all the time, shuts my PC down, it's buggy, even their website isn't working haha. Come on. Is anyone still working there? They used to be the best games company. What is going on with games these days?! I'm sick of it!

about 3 years ago - UbiT00n - Direct link

We are still here, just not as active on Discussions as we were in the forums space.
Please make sure to report PC Crashes directly to our support teams so our specialists can assist you, take your details and pass them on to a team to investigate.
Sometimes I have issues with this space, but it is very much a work in progress and will continue to get better in the future.
I am sorry to hear that you are not having a great time with The Division 2 on your PC.