THE FINALS Dev Tracker

06 Mar

The CNS situation has finally been handled and it’s time for our Sponsor Showdown!

During these last two weeks of the Season our sponsors will be fighting for control of our Arenas, map by map, hour by hour!

You’ll earn championship points for your sponsor by earning Fans for each game you play, across all game modes, and the look and branding of each map will change based on the outcome of your matches.

Will The Arena’s be painted in VAIIYA White, DISSUN Red or ISEUL-T Blue? It’s all up to you and how well you fare against the competition, Contestants!

Remember, the Sponsors are counting on you!

The Sponsor battle that has been raging all season has determined the starting points for the Showdown Standings:

VAIIYA takes the lead with 80 points to start

DISSUN in second place with 40 points

ISEUL-T in third place starts at 20 points

Each day,... Read more
Update 5.12.0
It’s time to say goodbye to the TDM event and say hello to the Bonus XP Fiesta[]! From now until the end of the season, you’ll rack up 200% XP for Daily Contracts and up to 150% XP and Fans earned for gameplay!

This week we have a few balance changes and bug fixes to check out below! Finally, the store has a fresh new update:

Balance Changes

Model 1887
  • Increased damage from 11 to 12 per pellet
  • ...
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27 Feb



20 Feb

19 Feb

Update 5.10.0
Balance changes and an AMA
In this update, the Stun Gun has been temporarily removed as we begin a full rework to refine its role as a true crowd control tool. This change is aimed at improving gameplay balance, especially for new players. Check the attached dev note for more details!

Also of note, we’ve been closely investigating server performance for some time, recognizing that it hasn’t been meeting expectations. After thorough analysis, we believe we’ve identified a key issue, and this fix should significantly improve the experience for a large number of players.

That said, our work isn’t done. We’re committed to making ongoing improvements and will continue rolling out fixes as we identify further opportunities for optimization.

Thank you for your feedback and reports, community input has been invaluable in helping us refine the experience. Please keep sharing your observations, and let us know if you experience ... Read more

12 Feb

This week, we have a store update and a special message about balance changes and our new goal. Make sure to check it out below, along with a few tweaks to weapons in this update!

Balance Changes
We want to take a moment to acknowledge some of the recent frustrations around the frequency of balance changes. At the end of Season 3, we adjusted our balance cadence from a demanding weekly schedule to a more structured approach, aligning the majority of balance changes with the start and middle of each season. Our goal was to create a more stable experience for players while also giving our dev team the time needed to properly assess and test changes before making adjustments.

That said, the current pace feels a bit too slow, and we understand how a lack of iteration has been frustrating.

Star... Read more

06 Feb

Love Hurts
Roses are red, violets are blue, get eliminated and drop a bomb or two!

This week, DISSUN is celebrating Valentine’s Day with an explosive twist because nothing says love like an explosion! During this stop, eliminated contestants will leave behind a heart-shaped bomb, ready to be scooped up and sent flying. Toss it quickly before it detonates and let your opponents feel the heartbreak!

Whether you’re spreading the love or dodging it, one thing’s for sure: heartbreak hits harder this Valentine’s!

  • Kyoto Wintery Valentine’s Day
  • Seoul Valentine's Day
  • Skyway Stadium Valentine's Day
  • Las Vegas Valentine's Day

Along with this Word Tour update, we also have two bug fixes to add:
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05 Feb

Season 5 Mid-Season Patch
Love is in the air, Contestants! As we hit the heart of the season, there are some exciting events kicking off, plus a whole slew of balance changes and fixes to keep your matches fresh, fierce, and fun.

Valentine’s Event: Spin the Wheel of Love!

Cupid's not the only one shooting arrows this season! Our Valentine’s event is live, and the Wheel of Love is here to steal your heart (and maybe a few wins). Earn tickets by completing daily contracts, spin the wheel, and unlock up to 20 charming rewards. If you snag them all, you’ll also win the final prize: the Arena Amorator Outfit! Not totally in love with your daily contract? Re-roll with VRs!

This time around, when you land on a duplicate item, you’ll receive a ticket part. Collect four parts to craft a new ticket for another spin! You’ll also start off with a ticket to ensure everyone gets lucky this Valentine’s Day!

... Read more

30 Jan

No twists. No tricks. Just pure, unfiltered competition.

DISSUN continues on the World Tour, and this week, they want to see raw skill on full display! No special modifiers this time. Just you, your squad, and the standard tournament rules. It’s time to prove who truly reigns supreme when the playing field is level.

The spotlight is on. The stakes are high. Are you ready to impress?

  • Kyoto (Winter)
  • Seoul
  • Monaco (Winter)
  • Las Vegas

29 Jan

Store Update 5.7.0
Legends, Relics, and a Fixed Contract!

Update 5.7 is here, bringing legendary looks, treasure-worthy firepower, and a small but welcome contract fix. Looking ahead, Update 5.8 will be our mid-season balance patch complete with key adjustments to the overall game balance.

In the meantime, a certain hairy legend has entered the Arena! The Hairy Hiker Set lets you become the myth itself, complete with a full outfit, a beastly gun charm and sticker, plus an emote that’ll have you striking a familiar, shadowy pose. If you prefer something with ancient power (and maybe some mold), the Sunstone Set transforms your weapons into relics of a lost civilization. Weathered stone, creeping vines, and golden emblems hold together firepower that looks like it’s been unearthed straight from a forgotten temple.

... Read more

23 Jan

The DISSUN Challenge starts with a BANG! The sponsor has decked out the Arena for Lunar New Year and has introduced an all-new throwable - the Healing Lantern! Throw it at your allies for a burst of healing, and leave behind a cloud that heals over time.

The impact of the lantern and the lingering healing mist can affect both allies and foes, so make sure to pick your targets and moments carefully!

It’s time for the year of the Snake! New year - new tactics!

  • Lunar New Year - Seoul
  • Lunar New Year - Fortune Stadium
  • Lunar New Year - Las Vegas
  • Lunar New Year - Monaco
Don’t forget to check out the Snake Charmer Set in the store, as well!

... Read more

22 Jan

We’re pushing a PC only hotfix to solve an issue where players with an outdated driver were unable to play the game.

PC players will need to update their game.

Thank you for your patience while we solved this issue!

Update 5.6.0

The power levels are at an all-time high in The Arena this week as DISSUN unveils its newest advertisement in preparation for its takeover of the World Tour starting tomorrow. The fuel company has a lot in store for you, so get ready to celebrate Lunar New Year in a powerful way, as a brand-new throwable takes center stage in the festively decorated Arena!

For all DISSUN enthusiasts out there, you’re in luck! DISSUN has also taken over the store update!


And finally, you should check out the IVADA Cataclysm Set, now available in the shop! The bundle... Read more

16 Jan

Get ready to show off!
As ISEUL-T’s generous sponsorship comes to an end they want to see your flashiest moves! This week, your team will be rewarded with some extra cash for showing off by emoting near a cashout that your team starts, steals, or completes!

A dance floor appears whenever a player opens a vault, starts a cashout, steals a cashout or completes a cashout. When the dance floor appears you have 5 seconds to strike a pose, and hold that pose for at least 2 seconds - doing so awards your team with $1000. Everyone in your team can do it - so make sure to coordinate your best moves and maximize that cash!

Let’s get ready to strike our boldest poses, and rack up that bonus cash!

  • Kyoto (Winter EC)
  • Bernal
  • Skyway S...
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15 Jan

Store Update 5.5.0
Be the life of the party with this week’s store update!

Content and Bug Fixes

We have implemented additional fixes for the following contracts as they have not been working correctly:
  • Hit opponents [x] times with arena carriables, cash boxes or the decryption key
  • Earn 20,000 cash in one round, 4 times in Cashout Modes
  • Play 3 matches of World Tour or Bank It

09 Jan

Time to Shine!

Welcome back, Contestants! This week we have a plethora of bug fixes, an updated store, and a new stop on the World Tour!

This is the second week of the ISEUL-T Cup and our sponsors are illuminating the Arena with spotlights that shine bright over every active Cashout Station! Bask in the glow of this light to earn additional fans while you defend, attack, or just strike a pose! Your time in the limelight will be rewarding!

This week the Arenas will be:
  • Seoul
  • Fortune Stadium
  • Horizon
  • Las Vegas
Finally, check out the new store before heading down to read the bullets:

... Read more

02 Jan

Happy 2025!
We’re closing up the holiday season with a new store and a new World Tour Stop!

Thank you to everyone who joined our snowball fight. Snowball Blitz has come to an end, but playing in the snow with you has warmed our hearts!

World Tour: ISEUL-T Opening Week
The VAIIYA International has concluded and we’ve readied the Arena for the ISEUL-T Cup!

This week, you can show up fashionably late to the Cashout Tournaments in the following Arenas:
  • Las Vegas
  • Seoul
  • Bernal
  • Skyway Stadium


26 Dec

Update 5.2.0

Happy New Year!

2025 is right around the corner! We’re excited about all the plans we have for this new year, and to celebrate, we’ve added some shiny new things to the shop:

We’re also happy to introduce a new World Tour stop: Boost Protocol! This is the final stop of the VAIIYA International, and to make it pop, our generous sponsor is offering an additional boost to XP when you party up in the Arena!

  • SYS$Horizon Sponsored by VAIIYA
  • Jultide Bernal
  • Jultide Kyoto
  • Jultide Monaco
Get in there and start racking up the XP!
... Read more

19 Dec

Merry Mayhem!

With the generosity of VAIIYA, we’ve secured an appropriately regulated amount of Yuletide cheer in the World Tour stop for this week! Dash through the snow and deck the competition with strategically placed snowballs (packed with an extra bit of stopping power)! Get cozy with your team in our fully-decorated, Jultide Arenas! We’ve been told that our sponsor has connections in high places, so hop into World Tour or VAIIYA might make sure you get put on the naughty list!

  • Juletide Las Vegas
  • Juletide Bernal
  • Juletide Kyoto
  • Juletide Monaco

18 Dec

Update 5.1.0

We’re sliding into the holiday season with a brand new holiday event: Snowball Blitz!

Get your mittens on contestants, it’s going to be frosty in Snowy Monaco! You’ll be taking part in a good ol’ fashioned Snowball Fight! Team up for a head-to-head snow brawl in this 5v5 TDM-style fight for victory. The first team to reach 30K wins and the only way to earn cash is through eliminations!

Everyone goes in with a fixed loadout, but the weapon of choice for every build is snowballs! Rewards are on the line, so join the skirmish and complete your contracts to earn all the spoils of wintery wartime! Snowball Blitz will be around for the next two weeks!

Let’s keep this fight clean and fun: no rocks, no ice, no telling mom, and don’t aim for the ey... Read more