over 2 years ago - rafael.campos - Direct link
The first closed playtest of THE FINALS is just days away, and we’ve got a smoking hot pre-alpha gameplay trailer here to help celebrate it! Check it out for a taste of what’s coming!

Excited? Hungry for devastation and fame? Well if you live in Europe or North America, you’ve got a shot at joining our Closed Alpha test, scheduled to start on September 29th! Coming up FAST, isn’t it? At least you know what you’re doing this weekend!

Sign up for the playtest Now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2073850/THE_FINALS/

We can’t wait to see the kind of explosive action you’re going to unleash. We’re going to learn so much, and you’re going to wreck everything in sight. Of course, that might include our servers, so it’s probably a good idea to remind you superstars that this is an EARLY BUILD with lots of experimental mechanics and systems.

On that note, we’re not allowing streams or captures for this test. Things are actively being developed and will 100% change between now and release, so besides a deluge of destruction, expect bugs, balance issues, and more first-look weirdness as we find out what works… and what doesn’t.

Stay tuned for more information by joining THE FINALS’ Discord and by following us on Twitter!


Embark Studios

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