3 months ago - Embark | Oscar - Direct link
Update 5.1.0

We’re sliding into the holiday season with a brand new holiday event: Snowball Blitz!

Get your mittens on contestants, it’s going to be frosty in Snowy Monaco! You’ll be taking part in a good ol’ fashioned Snowball Fight! Team up for a head-to-head snow brawl in this 5v5 TDM-style fight for victory. The first team to reach 30K wins and the only way to earn cash is through eliminations!

Everyone goes in with a fixed loadout, but the weapon of choice for every build is snowballs! Rewards are on the line, so join the skirmish and complete your contracts to earn all the spoils of wintery wartime! Snowball Blitz will be around for the next two weeks!

Let’s keep this fight clean and fun: no rocks, no ice, no telling mom, and don’t aim for the eyes!

We’ve also got some bug fixes and balances coming your way this week! Most notably, we’ve removed the Lockbolt Launcher’s ability to latch onto objectives, for now. We’ve had a lot of fun this week launching the Cashbox into outer space and dragging the Cashout Station through the streets of Bernal, but we think this functionality might be a bit too OP. We’ll send it back to Santa’s workshop and see if he can fix it up.

Not festive enough for you? Check out this week’s Store:

Balance Changes

  • Disabled the ability for the Lockbolt to attach to objectives, such as the Cashbox and Cashout Station
Dev Note: We love how creative you’ve already gotten with using the Lockbolt since it launched, but we feel some of the use cases discovered are a little too impactful when it comes to game mode pacing and defending objectives. As a result, we’re temporarily disabling the Lockbolt’s ability to latch on to objectives, while we spend some time to make sure they behave more appropriately when attached. Hopefully, we can turn this functionality back on later in the season, that is our plan at least.


Cloaking Device
  • Decreased the max duration of invisibility when fully stationary from 133s to 27s

Content and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Dede would sometimes not choose the correct voice lines
  • Re-enabled the missing “click” sound when selecting the matchmaking button

  • Fixed an issue where the jukebox would not always continue to the new track if the current track ended when going into a map load

  • Fixed an issue where some contestants’ heads could occasionally become invisible

  • Fixed an issue where the member list would be unsorted when you first enter the Club screen
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to send or join Club party requests while matchmaking or waiting in a private lobby
  • Added functionality that makes the Club requests/invites list scrollable
  • Added Club tags in leaderboards

  • Fixed an issue with the 'Play 2 Rounds of Quick Cash' contract not progressing correctly

  • Fixed an issue where players could appear in a T-pose at the start of the round on PlayStation 4


  • Fixed an issue where the Gravity Vortex and Anti-Gravity Cube could break the chains connecting players to the Lockbolt, freeing them early

Game Modes
  • Fixed an issue where Cashout Stations would sometimes not accept Cashboxes and where the second Vault would sometimes fail to appear
  • Fixed an issue where the respawn timer could sometimes show the wrong numbers
  • Fixed an issue where the HUD would occasionally disappear after reconnecting

  • Added gifting for bundles and single items inside bundles
    Dev Note: We have noticed that some bundles are not showing up as giftable within the outfit customization screen. We’re looking into a fix for this.


  • Fixed an issue that caused large amounts of smoke to appear on maps
  • Updated and polished the highlighted players hologram image
  • Fixed various issues where the images of players featured on a billboard could be clipped or stretched

  • Fixed issue where the VAIIYA Suspended Structure wouldn't fall even when enough hooks were destroyed
  • Fixed issue where the lights in the DISSUN Suspended Structure were too bright around smoke/fog
  • Adjusted the height of the planters in Small Park (DISSUN) sector for smoother traversal
  • Fixed an issue where the corkscrew platform in the Theater sector could desync
  • Fixed an issue where a wall of the dome on top of the Chapel was missing collision
  • Fixed gaps between railings blocking bullets
  • Fixed various issues with ‘level of detail’ assets around the map

Practice Range
  • Fixed a collision issue allowing contestants to escape the practice area

Sights & Optics
  • Fixed an issue where the size of crosshairs in red dot and holographic sights would not be respected for certain aspect ratios and FOV settings

Stability & Performance
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on PlayStation 5 when loading into a round

  • Fixed an issue where players could become unable to respond to any pings
  • Added a backplate to the chat in the main menu to make it easier to read

  • Added VFX to prop destruction for multiple objects on Bernal
  • Reworked tree destruction on Bernal

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