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My project set up is Angular Front End and Django rest back end. I am running the Django development server on an AWS EC2 instance and just running the angular app in my local host. I moved to hosting the angular front end to Firebase which requires HTTPS requests.

I tried using django_extensions, runserver_plus, and set SECURE_SSL_REDICTIRT = True, but upon making requests I get an SSL Error. I was trying to find resources on steps to properly deploy a Django rest backend but I am a bit confused about the full steps to deploy. Can someone point me to the easiest way to do this that also ensures HTTPS requests will be used? Thanks

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over 4 years ago - /u/itmightbedave - Direct link

Originally posted by sidsidroc

You have to setup nginx and not use run server to start your app, look into gunicorn instead

This. Django is a framework. Not a production web server. You need to set up a web server, and then configure it to host Django. You can google a lot of tutorials for different web servers to do it.