
Twitch Dev Tracker

30 Jun


Originally posted by watsonstatic

It was a deliberate exaggeration. Caused by my frustration with this update, by the way 😶

I think y'all overestimate the resources Twitch has


"hundreds of UI/UX designers" LOL

07 Dec


Originally posted by HookGroup

Only on Mobile. I'm using a S23 with android.

Further following up on this, please feel free to reply on DM if you prefer:

  1. What is your Twitch username?
  2. In which channels did you experience this? Was it on all channels or only specific ones?
  3. Do you see a "Welcome to []'s chat room!" confirmation when you join, or is it stuck on "Connecting..."?
  4. Which app version are you on?

Originally posted by HookGroup

Only on Mobile. I'm using a S23 with android.

Thanks, the team is investigating. Are you usually on wifi or cellular data?

06 Dec


Hi, Twitch staff here. Which operating system and device are you using? Does it only happen on mobile?

28 Nov


Originally posted by Perfect_World5073

its november 24 and i still have that yellow notification, am i the only one with that issue?

Unfortunately, there was a new incident that also resulted in under reporting of Ads revenue between 11/14 and 11/16, so the team left the banner up. The original issue for October was fixed already.


Originally posted by YukkyPea

Thank you! Glad I came to Reddit to find out the answers now lol

Unfortunately, there was a new incident that also resulted in under reporting of Ads revenue between 11/14 and 11/16, so the team left the banner up. The original issue for October was fixed already.

25 Nov


Originally posted by YukkyPea

How long does this take to sort out as I've had this notification for about a month now??

This should be fixed already. Let me talk to the team on Monday and get back to you.

08 Nov


Hi, Twitch staff here. Which device and OS version do you have? Is this still happening today?

Are there specific steps you take to reproduce the problem, or does it simply happen every time you type?

01 Nov


Hi, Twitch staff here. We're working on a fix for this problem and expect to have it released in the next week or two.

26 Oct


Twitch staff here. We've had delays calculating the Ads revenue of the 23rd, 25th and 25th of October. We are working to correct the information in the dashboard. This message is related to that issue.


Hi, Twitch staff here. We are experiencing delays calculating ads revenue for recent dates. We are actively working on this and the data for the 23rd and the 24th should be available by end of day today (Pacific time).

25 Oct


Originally posted by Quan_Mi

No worries. Appreciate you keeping me updated

Fix is now available in version 16.8.2.

24 Oct


Originally posted by Quan_Mi

I received the update but the glitch is still there

There was an issue merging the code into Monday's release. We're aiming to submit a hotfix today.

Apologies for the churn.


Originally posted by Quan_Mi

I received the update but the glitch is still there

Apologies for the late response. We released 16.8.1 last night which should fix the issue. Please let me know if that's not the case.


Originally posted by Isethereal

So the glitch for me momentarily fixed for 5 hours yesterday… before there was even an update. But then it came back, and now there’s an update and it’s still glitchy. :(

Apologies for the late response. We released 16.8.1 last night which should fix the issue. Please let me know if that's not the case.

18 Oct


Originally posted by OtherwiseBrief390

Is there any way to troubleshoot it on my own?

Unfortunately, there is no workaround right now.


Originally posted by Quan_Mi

There was a mini update but the issue is still there

Fix will be released on Monday (given Apple approves the version on time).


Originally posted by Isethereal

Is there an ETA on the update? I cant stream unless I can type in my own chat on mobile :(

Fix will be released on Monday (given Apple approves the version on time).

17 Oct


Hi, Twitch staff here. Thanks for the report, we had identified this bug as well and will issue a fix in the next release.

Edit: Fix will be released on Monday (given Apple approves the version on time).

Edit 8/24: There was an issue merging the code into Monday's release. We're aiming to submit a hotfix today.

Edit 8/25: Fix is now available in version 16.8.2.