

08 Aug



While our usual community streams are on hold until after TennoCon, we are still sharing our love with the Twitch Directory with our Friday Community Drops. Here's a refresher on how these Drops work:

Every Friday, we run a short Twitch Drop campaign on two Creator channels to offer a fun way to cap off the week and shine a spotlight on the Creators themselves! The Drops will run for one hour on each channel, with a 30 minute claim time for an Orbiter Decoration that the Creator has picked themselves!

Here's who you can look forward to this week:

Darkauscus (English)

  • TIME: August 11th from 5pm to 6pm ET
  • DROP: Mimica Shawzin
  • CHANNEL: ...
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04 Aug

On 2023-08-02 at 10:29 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

UPDATE: August 4 @ 10am

Valve has put out a hotfix for SteamDeck users and functionality as been restired. Please apply the update in order to see the changes. It may not automatically search for the update so below are instructions to manually install it.

  1. Steam button
  2. Settings > System
  3. "Check for Updates"
  4. You should see a new software update!

Hotfix is out that should fix the issue!

03 Aug


Hi Tenno! I know there's a lot of discussion about SteamDeck and SteamInput concerns beyond the login issues above. 

For visibility, I wanted to share our OTHER SteamInput-specific PSA that is now live: 

I will also highlight a footnote at the bottom of that post for visibility as well:


* For our SteamDeck players, we are actively working with Valve to resolve various issues. Once we are closer to a resolution on these, we will post a separate PSA pertaining to that situation. Thank you for your patience on this matter!

Thank you all for the bug reports thus-far. Please expect an update on this matter as we get closer to a resolution on these. 


Hi Tenno,

For those of you who use controllers on the Steam client for Warframe, we are aware of some issues relating to controller inputs. With Echoes of Duviri’s launch, we did post a clarification on how to fix lost controller support for those experiencing it, found here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1361266-lost-controller-support-on-pc/#comment-12839111

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2 minutes ago, --RV--Skrilljada said:

Fix operator camera desync bug...after reviving going from frame to operator turns your camera different ways. Next time you revive it turns other way..sometimes it fixes itself. Really annoying.

This is on our radar but unfortunately it requires a Code fix, meaning a Cert build. With that said, we will still keep looking for a way to patch this that is hotfixable. 🤞


3 minutes ago, Tsoe said:

plz do something about Edun animation before tennocon, as it is , the animation is painfull to watch

Do you have more information on this issue? Bug report, forum link, etc?


Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix 33.6.3


  • Temporarily removed the ability to purchase additional Operator/Drifter Appearance Config Slots in Teshin’s Cave, as it would cause players to crash. 
    • This is a quick patch as the real fix requires Code. Players should have this functionality restored with our next Cert build.
    • Note: You are still able to purchase additional Operator/Drifter Appearance Config Slots in your Orbiter or Hubs (Cetus, etc.). 
  • Updated Swooping Miasma Decree’s description to better indicate that players “Gain +x mid-air jumps”, and fixed capitalization. 
  • Updated Incarnon Genesis descriptions to reduce important information being cut off in the Steel Path Circuit Reward selection screen. 


  • Fixed Sevagoth’s Shadow Haze Augment buff applying inc...
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    [DE]Taylor on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
UPDATE: August 3 @ 2pm
We have heard back from Valve that they have identified an issue and are looking for a fix. 
On 2023-08-02 at 10:29 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

UPDATE: August 3 @ 2pm

We have heard back from Valve that they have identified an issue and are looking for a fix. 

Quoting for vis!


Known Issues Requiring Code Changes:

  • Skaut landing craft does not always use the correct position when docked.
  • Significant spotloading when building the new Duviri Dojo rooms. 
  • Transference with Last Gasp causes disorienting camera movements - NEW
  • Large hitches when viewing your own Profile - NEW

Update to new issues that require code changes.

02 Aug



While our usual community streams are on hold until after TennoCon, we are still sharing our love with the Twitch Directory with our Friday Community Drops. Here's a refresher on how these Drops work:

Every Friday, we run a short Twitch Drop campaign on two Creator channels to offer a fun way to cap off the week and shine a spotlight on the Creators themselves! The Drops will run for one hour on each channel, with a 30 minute claim time for an Orbiter Decoration that the Creator has picked themselves!

Here's who you can look forward to this week:


ItsJustToe (English)

  • TIME: August 4th from 2pm to 3pm ET
  • DROP: Unity Decoration
  • CHANNEL: ...
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    [DE]Taylor on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
EDIT: A temporary workaround has been discovered with the following steps:

Launch your Steamdeck in desktop mode
Open the Steam app
Switch to Big Picture Mode (monitor symbol top right)
Launch Warframe
59 minutes ago, [DE]Taylor said:

EDIT: A temporary workaround has been discovered with the following steps:

  • Launch your Steamdeck in desktop mode
  • Open the Steam app
  • Switch to Big Picture Mode (monitor symbol top right)
  • Launch Warframe

For vis. 


UPDATE - August 2, 2023:
The Droptables URL has now been amended to always redirect to https://www.warframe.com/droptables for ease of access. 

22 hours ago, Jobistober said:

Kahl can melee now, but aiming is still broken after interacting with cameras.

Added this to our known issues list!

19 hours ago, Politically_Correct_Name said:

Not seeing anything about the last gasp operator camera bug.  Is that not effecting everyone?


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Updated list as of August 2!

Known Issues (Either Investigating or Pending Hotfix):

  • Rejoining into Undercroft causes problems for the Client.
  • Rare cases of Hidden Chest Objectives in Duviri resulting in a prog-stop. 
  • Joining an invite to a Steel Path Circuit session while your Star Chart is set to the Normal Path resulting in Circuit Progress incorrectly showing Normal Path values in-mission. 
  • Clients are unable to customize their Drifter Melee via the Mirror in Teshin’s Cave. 
  • Issues with the buff icons of the Double Tap Latron Mod. 
  • Transference with Last Gasp causes disorienting camera movements. 
  • Kahl is unable to aim down sights after interacting with cameras. 
  • Certain obstacles and pieces of terrain do not provide cover for Jackal Beams in the Circuit.
5 hours ago, pAin1337com said:

Hi guys, after the update, the password entry window stopped opening on Steam Deck. What I haven't tried yet, maybe who knows how to fix it?

Hi there! We posted a PSA about this issue here: 



 Steam Deck login issues following the August Steam Deck Update. 

    [DE]Taylor on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of issues for the Warframe Steam Deck client as a result of the August Steam Deck System Update. Upon installing, the On Screen Keyboard no longer appears to let you enter your login details, preventing players from being able to log-in.

At this time, we recommend you avoid updating your Steam Deck to the August Steam Deck System Update until we find a resolution for this issue. We have contacted Valve and are looking for a solution with them. We’ll update this thread as more information comes in.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

EDIT: A temporary workaround has been discovered with the following steps:

Launch your Steamdeck in desktop mode
Open the Steam app
Switch to Big Picture Mode (monitor symbol top right)
Launch Warframe


UPDATE: August 3 @ 2pm
We have heard back from Valve that they have identified an issue and are looking for a fix. 

==... Read more


We are aware of issues for the Warframe Steam Deck client as a result of the August Steam Deck System Update. Upon installing, the On Screen Keyboard no longer appears to let you enter your login details, preventing players from being able to log-in. 

At this time, we recommend you avoid updating your Steam Deck to the August Steam Deck System Update until we find a resolution for this issue. We have contacted Valve and are looking for a solution with them. We’ll update this thread as more information comes in. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 

01 Aug


Echoes of Duviri: Hotfix 33.6.2


  • Added Incarnon descriptions to the on-hover pop-up in the Steel Path Circuit reward selection screen.
  • Added the ability to dismount the Ropalolyst via the melee input. 


  • Fixed mashing the Cipher button resulting in a total loss of input, meaning players would not be able to leave the hacking screen. 
  • Fixed players losing functionality after accessing cameras in Break Narmer missions.
  • Fixed Facial Accessories no longer appearing with the Stranger’s Hood equipped and Hood toggled off. 
  • Fixed Circuit Assassinate Jackal not being given the same “boss-type” classification as other assassination targets.


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