Andy B

Andy B

30 Jan

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings Exiles,

A new update is now available, focusing on addressing load times, crashes, and more! Please note that not every bug and issue are created equal, and we’re hard at work on more fixes for the future.

A new Mod Dev Kit version is also available!

Read below for the full changelist:

  • Load times for getting in-game significantly shortened.
  • Fixed various crash bugs (such as at the end of the intro cinematic, continuing a single-player session from the Main Menu, killing unassigned rescued thralls, and more).
  • Fixed various erroneous undermesh kill zones in Exiled Lands and the Isle of Siptah.
  • Unconscious enemy thralls no longer disappear when assigning one to be converted in a wheel of pain.
  • Artisan...
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14 Jan

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

I want to begin with a hearty “Thank You” for your continued support and dedication to Conan Exiles. Your passion for the Exiled Lands and its community is the driving force behind everything we do. As we look back on 2024, we’re also marching on toward the future, and I want to share some important updates about the road ahead for Exiles.

The Journey So Far Let’s first take a look at what happened in the world of Conan Exiles this year.

In March, the final chapter of Age of War was released, introducing fatalities and the Sacred Hunt event. Many enemies fell to your murderous intents, ... Read more

19 Dec

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
The Steam Winter Sale is here and Funcom is ready with discounts and cheer!

Discover a catalogue of amazing games from the full Funcom catalogue, including Conan Exiles, Metal: Hellsinger, Dune: Spice Wars, The Longest Journey, and many more!

If you already own any of these games, you can also pick up several DLCs and expansions at a discount:

19 Nov

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
It took a village to scare Yog!

Greetings, mortals! Yog has been on the edge of his tendrils looking over all the haunting entries you submitted for Yogtober, and it truly took a village - and now we’re thrilled to reveal the winners! This spooky building contest was all about crafting the creepiest, most atmospheric village you could imagine; one that could even make Yog himself cower in fear.

A HUGE thank-you to all who submitted; Yogtober wouldn’t have been the same without you!

So, without further ado, here are Yog’s Chosen:

MODDED FIRST PLACE Wraith of Kalarathia! Read more

04 Nov

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

  • Fix for Thralls being teleported to coordinates 0,0,0 and offmap while Living Settlements is active
  • Fix for returning all previous Barkeepers
  • Fix for Gjermumbdu Helmet Visually appearing (Freya Questline Reward)
  • Fix for Thralls being randomly given negative status effects (Poisoned)
  • Fix for Enabled/Disabled Living Settlements settings per placeable saving between singleplayer sessions
  • Fix for stationary player characters and NPCs falling through collision.
  • Fixes for several erroneous undermesh instant kill locations on Exiled Lands and Siptah.

21 Oct

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone!

Funcom is thrilled to host the Chase the Horizon publisher sale, giving the stage to all games that light the spark of exploration, with plenty of discounts!

Conan Exiles joins a long list of fantastic titles from other developers. Venture forth into the unknown and discover the next horizon you will chase.

The event will remain until 28 October.

10 Oct

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings Exiles!

The wait is almost over! We’re excited to announce that the Age of Heroes will arrive on October 17!

This is the dawn of a new age, and the team has worked hard to make sure this update feels like it. Soon, you will accompany fully voiced heroes as their legend is made, eventually recruiting them as companions to your cause. The unique perks they acquire will depend on your actions in these epic quests.

Living Settlements, the second major feature in Age of Heroes, will breathe life into your base thanks to worker thralls now existing in the world, reacting to their surroundings and living their life.

All of this will come with bug fixes and multiple smaller changes. We can’t wait for you to embark on this new adventure in the Exiled Lands. Only a week to go!

Slay and Survive, Exile!

12 Sep

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings Exiles!Gather your swords and shields, for the Age of Heroes is soon upon us, and you will be on a quest for blood and vengeance throughout the Exiled Lands! Prepare your bandages and aloe extracts, for this October will bring more than just the hauntings of Yog.

As the New Age approaches, we are excited to introduce you to another type of accomplice to join you in your barbarian way of life: Companions!

Companions The Gods have heard your pleas. You have asked for a different kind of follower, perhaps even a sorcerer, and they have decided it is time to answer!

Companions are a new type of followers who are not itemized or subjugated into accompanying you. Instead, they will require commitment and dedication in order to perceive you as the hero they can walk behind.

When the Chapter arrives, two such companions will be permanently added to the Exiled Lands. Once you find them, you will be able to embark on new adventures... Read more

05 Aug

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hey there Exiles! We’re excited to send you into your weekends with the winners of the recent Su... Read more

31 May

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings Exiles,

Conan Exiles would not be where it is today without years of valuable feedback. Surveys are a powerful tool for us to better understand who you are and how you feel about different aspects of the game. With Age of War - Chapter 4 well underway, we are turning to you, our valued community, for feedback about your experience.

Click HERE to take the survey![]
Or, scan the QR code below with your mobile device's camera:

The ... Read more

15 May

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings Exiles,

Three weeks ago, we announced our fundraising campaign in collaboration with Save the Children[]. Together with you, our amazing community, we aimed to raise $5,000 for children in need across the globe.

We launched the campaign with our opening livestream, also kicking off our c... Read more

14 May

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

May 14, 2024
Forward notice: We are aware of and continuing to investigate an issue where characters may periodically sink into building pieces. Due to the delicate nature of foundations and sensitivity to changes that affect them (if you know, you know 😥), a resolution for this issue will arrive with a future update. Thank you for your patience; we understand it's frustrating.

Bugs and Tweaks
  • Thrall Command and Interact inputs are no longer mapped to the same button as interacting with Battle Pass notifications. The Battle Pass shortcut on Tier Completion popups now opens with the Inventory button.
  • Improved animations for golem movement and combat.
  • Friendly followers have received further 'If not enemy, why enemy shaped' training and no longer attack allied golems.
  • Fixed ...
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23 Apr

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

Age of War Chapter 4 Hotfix (4.23.2024)

Forward notice: We are currently still investigating Siptah crashes and a full solution is not included in this update. This remains at the top of our priorities for a future update.

Bugs and Tweaks
  • Adjusted right stick input required to change locked targets with a controller to reduce unintentional target changes
  • NPC-owned destructible bases now respawn more consistently
  • Fixed locations that cause instant death in locations such as the Sinkhole and the Sacred Hunt Dungeon on Siptah.
  • Characters once again continue sprinting while Sprint toggle is on.
  • Fixed an issue that caused characters to log in at ...
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19 Apr

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

We overcome hunger, thirst, and the elements in Conan Exiles, but for millions of people across the real world, it is a struggle to contend with daily, and children are among the most vulnerable.

Together, we can combat hunger, but it takes a village - that’s why this year, as part of our sixth anniversary celebration, Funcom is teaming up with Save the Children and Tiltify to launch a charity drive to aid children around the globe! We’re calling upon all Exiles to help give these children a fighting chance.

From April 24th until May 14th, you can donate money directly to the Exiles Aid campaign, stay up to date on auctions of exclusive items - including a custom-made original Conan Exiles statue - and our 6th Launch Anniversary! All the proceeds will go directly to Save the Children.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Tiltify Cam... Read more

11 Apr

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

Age of War Chapter 4 Hotfix (4.11.2024)
  • Potion of Midnight is now craftable at a new station located next to the Werehyena who teaches you the recipe. This station is the only station where it can be crafted.
  • Other Werehyena NPCs at the event camp have been properly disciplined and no longer offer the option to speak to you
  • Followers will now properly defend against the Werehyena Ambush
  • Bearer Thrall HP increased to original pre-Chapter 4 values (Dev note: This change is temporary, as we feel the current HP values of Bearer Thralls is too high. This will be revisited after a new feature in a future update)
  • Defensive Followers will now properly use weap...
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06 Apr

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

Greetings Exiles,
Age of War - Chapter 4 is in the wild and the hunt is on! This chapter, we wanted to further explore the styles of the Zingarans and the mercenaries at their employ - so today, let’s take a look at some Zingaran themed rewards included in Age of War - Chapter 4’s Battle Pass!  


Zingarans are a refined, complex people, and we wanted to reflect the sophistication with which their nobility would adorn sellswords and soldiers. Zingara’s frequent contact with the pirates of the Barachan Isles would also influence their armor and clothing, adding a maritime appearance on top of the pomp.

... Read more

05 Apr

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings Exiles!

Age of War - Chapter 4 is well underway, and we've been busy delving into your comments and thoughts from the update! We'd like to take a moment to share some info around the release, clarify some things, and give you a heads-up on what's immediately ahead:

Amended Patch Notes There were some additional changes to stamina regen, crafting balance, and Official Server harvest rates introduced in Chapter 4 that were not included in the patch notes on release. We've updated the patch notes to reflect these changes. You can find the updated notes HERE.[]

An Upcoming Hotfix! We are currently prepari... Read more

01 Apr

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Exiles! Chapter 3 is reaching its conclusion soon, so today we wanted to go over some things the intrepid exile may want to keep stock of before Chapter 4 releases on April 2nd! That’s tomorrow! You’ll be facing Jhebbal Sag’s Chosen, clashing steel against new foes in Purges, spilling blood with Fatalities, and even progress your Battle Pass more naturally. Let’s dive in:

BE YOU HUNTER OR PREY? The Sacred Hunt is a new limited-time event featuring the beast-god Jhebbal Sag and his champions. You can learn more about this event and the challenges you’ll face HERE!

One thing ... Read more

25 Mar

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings Exiles,

With only a few days to go before Age of War – Chapter 4 digs its claws into you, we want to give you a deep dive into everything we’re bringing to the game. Last week, we covered the new Sacred Hunt Event, and today, we have a feast of different features and improvements to show you.

Let's dig in.

If there is glory in gore, you will find it in Chapter 4. In this feature inspired by the Fatalities in Age of Conan, you will be able to finish off enemy human NPCs with spectacularly savage kill moves; one for each of the melee weapon types in the game.

When an attack would otherwise kill your foe, there is a chance that they will instead enter a dazed state. If you perform a starting attack (not mid-combo) on them during this brief period, you will perform a Fatality, and be awarded with a chunk of health and stamina, along with a temporary damage buff.

Three details are worth emphasizing. Fir... Read more

07 Mar

    Andy B on Steam - Thread - Direct

Known Issues
  • Using the Burning Siege Boulder Trebuchet Ammo at the new Luxur Camp on Isle of Siptah may cause a server crash
  • Items may vanish when moving them to the inventory
    * This is due to desync between client and server. Logging out/back in will resolve the missing issues and they will be back where they belong
  • Placing items into Thrall-pet inventories causes them to vanish
    * Resolved, but the fix didn’t make it into the public beta build

    Controller Functionality
  • If disconnected from the server, you will need to close/reopen your client to regain controller functionality
  • The controller will not function/navigate in the thrall equipment panel

New Additions Seasonal Event: “The Sacred Hunt”
  • Pla...
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