

13 Dec


Originally posted by DivineBuddha

Blah pvp Patch



Originally posted by Eitth

Does those pvp only buffs work on wvw as well?

No, they are split 3 ways.

09 Dec


Originally posted by EchoFalls27

Hey, thanks for all your work.

Could you possibly answer something for me? I finished year of the ascension part IV with 10/11 achievs completed. I was missing a couple of league crosses.

I have 3 of the gifts for the backpack but obviously missing 1 due to the above.

Is all my work going to scrapped from Part IV, and will I need to redo I somehow. Or will it be grandfathered into the new system?

I love PvP, I'm not amazing at it, but I get by, I finish in Ruby, but real life does get in the way and I couldn't put a lot of work into ft he first 2 seasons, but I did work my butt off in the second two.

None of your progress will be lost.


I've had this happen a couple times before. I believe it was because the minimap was still trying to autocenter (although not visually) when you start dragging again and have to wait a couple more seconds. This was a long time ago so I could be talking out my butt.

07 Dec


Originally posted by riddlemore

Looks like they took a lot of cues from Overwatch.

We also took a lot of queues from our hearts <3