

01 Dec


A Binding of Kin is a new Chapter for Dead by Daylight.

The new Killer comes as a pair: conjoined twins from 17th century France, Charlotte and Victor Deshayes – The Twins – formed an emotional bond like none other. After a life of hardship and suffering, The Entity has twisted their love for one another into something truly terrifying.

The new Survivor is Élodie Rakoto. Cunning, smart, and resolute, Élodie spent her life trying to uncover the mystery of her parents’ disappearance. Grief-stricken and guilt-ridden, Élodie turned to the occult to find the answers she was looking for.

A Binding of Kin includes:

  • A new Killer: The Twins

  • A new Survivor: Élodie Rakoto

  • An exclusive item for Élodie

Hunt as a deadly pair w... Read more

26 Nov


4 incredible years and more to come! You can now Nominate Dead by Daylight in the "Labor of Love" category for the #SteamAwards

21 Oct


Tome V features new kinds of challenges: take on the role of a Survivor and interact with the Pustula Flowers that have bloomed throughout The Entity’s Realm to harvest them for rewards and Bloodpoints. Complete new Killer Challenges exclusive to The Blight to uncover the story of Talbot Grimes’ slow descent into madness.

As you brave your way through haunting new challenges, you will uncover the never-seen-before memories of Talbot Grimes (The Blight), Nea Karlsson, and Max Thompson Jr. (The Hillbilly)!

The destructive instinct—fighting, torturing, killing. Experiences buried deep within our hearts waiting for the slightest provocation to be unleashed. Yet looking closer we sometimes find a passion not for destruction but for something else… Something far more creative, intricate and complex. When the scales of justice a... Read more
Vom 21. Oktober bis zum 4. November wird das Reich des Entitus in eine makabre Feier verwandelt – mit speziellen Event-Haken und -Generatoren, die Euch sogar noch mehr Blutpunkte verdienen lassen.

Das Event „Die Ewige Fäule“ verheißt die Rückkehr der Pustelblume in den Nebel. Mit ihr kommen Halloween-Gegenstände und Zusätze aus vergangenen Jahren sowie ein paar neue Ergänzungen, die Euch reichlich Gutes bescheren. Außerdem wird es ein paar Tricks geben, die Ihr entdecken könnt. Das Event bringt Euch das letzte Kapitel aus dem Handlungsbogen „Die Heilige Fäule“, der 2018 begann.
In Foliant V: ENTFESSELT bietet das Auris-Netz des Beobachters neue Herausforderungen im Halloween-Design. Übernehmt die Rolle eines Überlebenden und interagiert mit der Pustelblume, die überall im Reich des Entitus blüht. Erntet sie, um Belohnungen und Blutpunkte zu bekommen. Wagt Euch in die Prüfungen und schließt Herausforderungen ab, die exklusiv für die Fäule sind, um die Story von Talbot Gr... Read more

29 Jul

As you brave your way through new challenges, you will uncover the never-seen-before memories of Meg Thomas, Philip Ojomo (The Wraith), Lisa Sherwood (The Hag), and Ace Visconti!

Humans are capable of wondrous achievements because of their unique ability to feel, empathize and dream.
Without these qualities, without empathy, without feeling, without our humanity... we are like any other animal species fighting for territory... resources... survival.
But unlike any other species, humans have a great imagination for death, cruelty and mass murder and an even greater capacity to enjoy their destructiveness.
It is in our most trying times that we must hold on to our humanity with unwavering conviction lest we become the very thing we hate.... and plunge into a personal hell of infinite night.

Unlockable character Memories include:

• Meg Thomas - EAT DUST
• Philip Ojomo (The Wraith) - THE ALGEBRA OF INFINITE NIGHT
• Lisa Sherwood (The Hag) -... Read more

15 Jul

Tome IV: CONVICTION, the newest entry into the Archives, is now available in Dead by Daylight.

As you brave your way through new challenges, you will uncover the never-seen-before memories of Meg Thomas, Philip Ojomo (The Wraith), Lisa Sherwood (The Hag), and Ace Visconti!

Humans are capable of wondrous achievements because of their unique ability to feel, empathize and dream.
Without these qualities, without empathy, without feeling, without our humanity... we are like any other animal species fighting for territory... resources... survival.
But unlike any other species, humans have a great imagination for death, cruelty and mass murder and an even greater capacity to enjoy their destructiveness.
It is in our most trying times that we must hold on to our humanity with unwavering conviction lest we become the very thing we hate.... and plunge into a personal hell of infinite night.

Unlockable character Memories include:

• Meg Thomas -... Read more

16 Jun

Silent Hill is a new Chapter for Dead by Daylight. As you venture into Midwich Elementary School, you'll get to meet two legendary characters from the Silent Hill Series: Pyramid Head (the Executioner) and Cheryl Mason.

The Silent Hill Chapter includes a new map, Midwich Elementary School: the childhood trauma that once took place in its halls has since manifested itself into a twisted, nightmarish design.

The new Killer is The Executioner: take control of Pyramid Head and wield his great knife to unleash his twisted brand of punishment on all who cross him.

The new Survivor is Cheryl Mason, a courageous, outspoken woman who survived the hellish Otherworld of Silent Hill, and exacted revenge on the Order that killed her father. With experience beyond her years, she's prepared to once again stand against any evil that confronts her.

The Silent Hill Chapter includes:

• A new Killer: The Executioner
• A new Survivor: Cheryl Mason
... Read more

29 Apr


Tome III: ESCALATION, the newest entry into the Archives, is now available in Dead by Daylight.

As you brave your way through new challenges, you will uncover the never-seen-before memories of Kate Denson, Dwight Fairfield, The Legion (Julie), and The Huntress!

Life doesn’t always go the way we plan. How many times could a tragedy have been avoided with a little patience… a little reflection… a little common sense? How many times has pride and anger destroyed or changed lives in ways no one expected or imagined? Sometimes taking a moment to reflect before emotions escalate changes... everything.

Unlockable character Memories include:

• Kate Denson – BACK TO ZERO
• Anna (The Huntress) – A LOVELY WAR
• Dwight Fairfield - A STORY BY ANY OTHER NAME
• The Legion (Julie) - SOLDIERS OF MAY... Read more

10 Mar


Chains of Hate, a new chapter for Dead by Daylight is now available on Steam. As you venture into the Dead Dawg Saloon, in the Graves of Glenvale, you'll get to meet two new characters: the Deathslinger and Zarina Kassir.

Caleb Quinn – The Deathslinger – made a career out of revenge; a brilliant and fiery-tempered engineer armed with a weapon of his own invention, he became a brutal and efficient bounty hunter. Following the massacre of those who had betrayed him at Hellshire Penitentiary, The Deathslinger was lured into the Realm of the Entity where he now uses his unique invention—a rifle that fires a chain—to round up survivors for The Entity.

The new survivor is Zarina Kassir, a modern day cowboy using her camera and filmmaking skills to help those who cannot help themselves. As she investigated the circumstances around ... Read more

26 Jun

18 Jun

Ghost Face is the new killer in Dead by Daylight! Now available:

Get 50% off the base game:

... Read more