

21 Aug


Nah we were using it earlier I think but it’s not ours either. Came from early-mid 90s Usenet apparently (isn’t stackexchange great?)

20 Aug


I’d hope we’d at least go for Shintaht in honor of your estimable trivia performance at the CCP’s CCP Games Games of Fanfest 2018


Just to be clear, the room in that example I gave would be named Golem, not Marauder or Battleship. @CCP_Falcon can confirm, but since he suggested Deimos and not Heavy Assault Cruiser I think it’s a safe bet.


Someone earlier in the thread said Catch for bugs discussion and that tickled me I must say (try/catch error handling). Scalding Pass is kinda flying over my head though… mind spelling it out for me? :smiley:


I think there might be a smidgen of confusion with ship class. The class Falcon refers to is (far as I can tell) what you might understand as the “Ship” (e.g. on zkill). So like “Golem-class Marauder” (which then confusingly is a Marauder-class Battleship).


Tough one, but I’ll do some digging tomorrow and see what I can come up with!


I was informed by a player that it also means buttcheek in Danish :smiley:


Nonni is the Icelandic nickname for Jón so technically a few! But I do believe it was named for a particular one (not 100% sure tbf)


Oh @CCP_Falcon while I remember - if solar systems win can we ban any that are named after present or past devs please? “Hilmar is so hot today”, “Someone left their water bottle in Nonni”, etc.


There are ~55 region names that would be meeting room viable by my estimate (though I hope we steer clear of using both Cache and Catch)


As a member of Team Teamy McTeamface I am glad it’s been ruled out. Could definitely get into the idea of meeting in the “Sir David Attenborough” meeting room though!


I plumped for region names both because I think they’re awesome and distinct (where ship names have too many RL links for me) and they have great descriptions which would also be nice to have on plaques on the wall of the room. Cool idea :slight_smile:

Edit: if we have dedicated 1:1 rooms in the new place we must buck the rule and call one of them The Sun.

15 Feb


Hey Zluq,

I’ll chime in here as the current stakeholder of the CCL division of ISD. So, our current focus is on working out a sustainable and simple process to get these fits from forum to client, and ensure they get audited and revised in a regular manner. The first draft of this process was presented to Stall, Fractal, and some devs yesterday for wave 1 of feedback. Now that’s underway we should be in a position to get this project back up and running.

Apologies for the lack of communication surrounding this up til now, but we are now back on track and I’ll be talking to CCL about kicking off a new wave of threads, and getting some of the already harvested fits into the client once we iron out the finer points of the process.