

17 Dec


Originally posted by DoCharlieBrown

Thanks for the code and happy holidays!

Just an idea, but I was wondering if maybe the rune mission of the tier 7 missions can be repeatable in some way(for future tier 7s, and until the release of tier 8s), but considering its giving out a random tier 7 rune, perhaps you could increase the event currency cost by double or triple(or maybe even higher) the amount each time multiplicatively, to balance it out.

You're welcome for the code. Happy holidays!

That's an interesting idea for getting more runes, and would definitely encourage more Time Warp usage. I'll make a note to discuss with Wilson if it's even possible.


Originally posted by tlj_

Hi Erika,

I would like to ask whether it would be possible to modify Xochitl's Sisterly Water Spirit* ability a bit - make Sister spawn first in a wave. Right now in speed forms Ana and Xochitl are almost on par. Ana's leprechaun tag allows using Viktor for some extra AQDM**. Xochitl's disadvantage is that you need at least two kills on each area to trigger Sisterly Water Spirit AQDM effect. This tweak would send Ana on a much deserved holiday :D

Happy holidays!

*Gives each wave of monsters a X% chance to spawn a Sister and adds a X% chance for Sisters to drop three quest item at once, or count as three kills for area quests

**Average Quest Drop Multiplier

Hi tlj_,

The monster system really only supports adding a monster type to a wave. It doesn't support telling the game which monster in the wave of x monsters should walk at the front of the pack.

But I'll note it down on the suggestion list to consider.



Originally posted by Daurakin

Hey Erika! (Second comment, I forgot to ask this ->)

Got a question: Since Springy has the supernatural tag (makes sense, since it's a living plushie), do you think Xander with his plushie skin could also get the supernatural tag? You know, since he's basicly the same?

Hi Daurakin,

I have in my notes from last year that since Xander is a dragon which is already mythic, we just wanted the skin to be a look-swap, not a tag swap. But we'll keep the request in mind for any future potential tag balance pass.


Originally posted by TFahab

Commenting for the raffle, and also wondering if the infinity DPS bug with Springy is going to be fixed before y'all are off for the holidays.

Springy should be all fixed up if you reload the game. :)


Originally posted by Crazy_Wench

I have to say I enjoy the animations. I only turn them off to speed up my computer's gameplay.

That's awesome, I'll pass it along to Kat and the other artists who've worked on the game. :)


Originally posted by Made_In_The_80s

Hello Erika,

thanks for the code

when i had 100k rubies i asked for a new optiopn to spend them, i dont really need JCs any more. maybe 1 or 2 more rune chests with rubies per week.

now i have a lot more of them and with the new ruby missions and objectives i will have 150k soon. and there are people with much more than i have...

even more options to earn them but still nothing new to spend them? more rubies is nice, but its not worth much when there is nothing really useful to buy...

just a feedback...

oh, and next t5/t6 objective double dungeon sprint pls :D

sorry for my bad english

happy holidays all

Hi Made_In_The_80s,

You're welcome for the code.

I'll add your vote for more Runic chests for rubies to the suggestion list to consider.

Not every player has done 7 years of daily quests and ruby missions, so they don't all have a hoard of rubies sitting there, but we may come up with more ruby uses in future.

I don't plan on adding more Sprint to the dungeons for awhile, otherwise that would really mess with the point drops for players who don't have max sprint, but we'll keep the request in mind.

Happy holidays! :)


Originally posted by LazerMePapi

Mama Mia, another Christmas event!

So many events, and the wheel keeps turning.

Happy holidays. :)


Originally posted by ZippyStarr

Happy holidays

Happy holidays! :)


Originally posted by No_Compote159

Love the Game, keep it going!!

We'll keep updating it as long as we can.

Cheers! :)


Originally posted by Kumariael

Happy Holidays for everyone :)

Thank you, I will pass it along to the team! :D


Originally posted by Audou

Nice Christmas Raffle !

'Tis the season!


Originally posted by VerbingWeirdsLang

🌟 ‍🎄⛪ Merry Christmas and thank you for the chests! 🍪🥛 🍪🥛 🍪🥛 🍪🥛

Thanks for getting those Tier 5 11th objectives out before the new year! The amount of idols I gain now just skyrocketed!

If I may offer a suggestion for Missions? I'm sure it's been brought up before but since we've unlocked more missions and can send more crusaders out on those missions, could we have an "Complete All Missions" then get an overall summary for the missions?

Instead of having to click through 20+ completed missions, there could be a list sorted by total EP|Gold|Rubies|DP|Recipes|Materials|Misc. gained, then a separate list for failed missions (if any) at the bottom, similar to opening 100 chests at a time.

You're welcome for the chests and the objectives. Glad they're helping. :)

Yeah, complete all missions has certainly come up a lot. I still want to do it as complete all by category, rather than just all-all, because some players still like to save some missions for a few seconds before completing them, but we'll see what happens when we get to improving that.



Originally posted by dimitrius5naj

Erica, hello.

  1. Since you promised (or suggested) that the skin fair will be in 2022, can you guess what skins will be included in it? Maybe you already have some blanks?
  2. The number of sprint arenas has doubled. And the speed of passing challenges and campaigns is still very low (general modifiers are only 1.2 for the second item drop / second kill and the speed of movement to another arena, and the rest depends on the crusaders). Are there any plans to increase the drop rate, or another increase in the quantity modifier?
  3. Well, as always - thanks for the chests!

Hi dimitrius5naj,

1) Looking at the 2022 schedule, and the back to back events basically plus the season 6 drop, the first opening for a skin store update would be in Q2 2022 at the earliest. Kat will probably choose from her list of player suggestions when we get closer to that update.

2) I do have some plans for adding speed to challenges, but objectives are still fairly short, in that we're not making you go to area 30,000 for them and instead applying difficulty compression, so aside from Garnet and Phase Skip, normal objectives probably won't get faster. There is also the talent that speeds up quests for having 3 taskmasters assigned to using Speed Buffs, which isn't Crusader dependent and would only be blocked on objectives that turn off Talents.

3) You're welcome for the chests.


Originally posted by kittymug

Hello Ericka,

2 questions for you along with the raffle entry.

Can you share what percentage of active players have completed the 'That just happened' achievement? That one has been a PITA on my end for too long now, but I will get it one of these days.

Any thoughts on how achievements tied to dungeon seasons will work once the game goes into maintenance mode? As of now there is a set of achievements per season which does not seem sustainable. I'm asking mostly because I am bitter about not getting the season 1 get to level 25 achievement.

Thanks and enjoy the holidays.

Hi Kittymug,

1) So about 22% of the players currently playing the game have that achievement, which is pretty good considering it is so random.

2) It's not something we've thought about right now, but I'm sure we'd discuss it more once we're actually closer to putting in the game into maintenance mode, as there would be a lot of questions to answers about dungeons/seasons in general.



Originally posted by Markku_Koskinen

Thank you for the code. Have nice holidays.

You're welcome for the code.

Have a good holiday season yourself. :)


Originally posted by _umdos

Hi Erika,

how you gonna handle the lag caused by calculations on hitting maximize crusader levels button? If you can't max all saders levels, but being close to max, it is up to 1 minute of computing on 35k-40k levels. Getting worse as the game progresses
-better not to press that button accidentally...

Maybe it's best to calculate this more unprecisely at higher amounts as most players won't care much above e2000 gold...

Hi _umdos,

Does it happen fairly reliably for you? If you put in a ticket, we can grab a copy of your account and see if there's anything Wilson can tweak in the new year.

16 Dec


Originally posted by pdsred56

Jingle runes, CotLI community!


Jingle runes, jingle runes, Nate Dragon smells.

The world mysteriously blew up, and Springy hopped away. ;)


Originally posted by Bcadren

I swear I had a suggestion earlier today and now I can't remember it; so I'll just say: Springy is really good; first truly exciting crusader since Matt.

EDIT: Yea, can we get a filter to show speed up 4th runes, similar to the doubling 4th runes on the rune panel?

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Springy.

Thank you for the reminder about more rune filters. There were a bunch more I wanted to add, but Wilson wanted to make the list operate more intuitively if we're going to add more filter choices, but maybe we can sneak that one in.


Originally posted by DarkGodot

Thanks for the chests !

You're welcome for the chests. :)


Originally posted by via_119

Hi Erika,

Happy Holidays!
I have a suggestions for runes. Could there be crusaders who decrease the time of gold missions? (Less OP than all missions, but still useful).
Are you planning to add more crusaders who decrease the mission times? (I haven't recruited Springy yet, so might not be a relevant question)

Hi via_119,

Happy holidays to you and yours as well. :)

A Gold mission duration rune sounds cool as a possibility. I'll note it down.

Springy would have been a good candidate for a mission duration rune in hindsight, so then players have to choose where to use him. We'll probably do more mission duration runes in future, but that rune type can end up confining Crusaders to missions only, so we'll have to choose carefully.