

29 Sep


Originally posted by HexxarTek

Players aren't supposed to remove runes though, which is why the solvents are so rare. But we'll keep the idea in mind.

So in addition to my other comment on this thread, I'm confused, because when I asked about this on stream a couple months ago regarding reconciling how static runes are vs the dynamic nature of formation building, you said that you couldn't and would look into it. Has that plan changed?

There's no plans to change it at this time, but the request is on the suggestion list to consider as a reminder.


Originally posted by HexxarTek

Hey Erika,

It feels especially penalizing after having an event achievement that required use of runes. The most recent event really highlighted how counterintuitive the current solvent system is to your vision of the game being able to constantly try new configurations and builds. Realistically, no one is really using Mr. Boggins, and with the very real scarcity of runes, it just feels really bad to have to use a solvent to access the rune, put it on a crusader for an achievement with zero chance of long term use, and then another solvent to free up the rune again for effective use.

The event achievements can be completed at any time, unless it's one of the odd ones that require being on the event objectives themselves.

Plus, there's the talents that want runes equipped on all Crusaders now.


Originally posted by Ezequiel1522

It's possible to add as a Tier 5 reward a "unlock Sprint Mode" in challenge? Sometimes you want to do the challenges fast to return to your Normal to-do objectives before a Event hit again.

We won't be adding Sprint mode right-out to challenges, but I do have an update planned that includes a way to get challenges to be a little faster.


Originally posted by Embarrassed-Doubt-61

Hi Erika, thank you so much for the code!

quick question; I'm coming up on my one-year anniversary with the game, and that means I'm playing clean-up with high tier crusaders from my first few events... I know you've been focusing on Dungeons, but do you have any sense of when the carnival is coming back to town? :-D

Hi Embarrassed-Doubt-61,

You're welcome for the code.

That's awesome that your 1-year anniversary is coming up. Thank you for playing Crusaders. :D

The Carnival of Sorrows returns around October 14th, 2021.


Originally posted by HexxarTek

+1 Vote for 11a

Got it! Thanks for stopping by. :)


Originally posted by Darkliandra

We're not planning on giving out more rune solvent than we currently do, but it a request that comes up from time to time, so I'll add your vote to that item. :)

It feels kind of penalizing. Another idea would be to make rune solvents only remove 1 rune and give x5 of the current amount. That way, if you only put 1 rune, you can get it out cheaper overall.

Players aren't supposed to remove runes though, which is why the solvents are so rare. But we'll keep the idea in mind.


Originally posted by Jothda

Hi Erika,

thanks for the code!

Please add my vote for 11am Pacific Time on Tuesdays.

Hi Jothda,

You're welcome.

Will do! Earlier is definitely looking like the winner. :)


Originally posted by dragonslayer_96

Any future plans for geodes? Right now and for the near future, we will be using them to unlock headrunes, but will there be any use for them after we have all the headrunes unlocked or will they be more like the free craft tokens, just sitting there for a new sader to arrive?

Oh, though I voted on stream, I say 11am would be best time for the people overseas.

Yup, we do have plans for the geodes, since players only do need so many of them. So you'll want to keep collecting them.

Twitch doesn't let us see who voted for what, just which option won, so no worries about the extra vote. :D


Originally posted by rjakubec

I can go with 3PM on Tuesdays, that's midnight in France. Or 11AM on Tuesday (or Thursday?). But keep it going, don't cancel it and don't put it on Wednesday when it can get cancelled often.

Thx for the chests.

You're welcome for the chest.

Thanks for the stream time votes. Going back to Thursday morning would also be a time that canceled for Idle Champions streams, so we'll likely stick with Tuesdays.



Originally posted by Croq360

Good morning, and thanks as always for the code!

Regarding the livestream poll, please add my vote for 11am Pacific Time on Tuesdays.

Looking forward to dungeon season 5 later today!

Good morning Croq360,

You're welcome for the code.

Earlier = better, got it. :)

We're looking forward to getting season 5 out to the players. :D


Originally posted by sayoki

When can I buy my first Tier 9 talent?

Probably next year at some point.


Originally posted by Due-Satisfaction3141

can you please also think of the players un europe,the time slot before was pretty good .so around that time would be great give or take 2 hours.if thats a possibility.and again thanks for the code :}

That would be the move back to our mornings, with the 11am Pacific slot.

Thank you for the vote. :)


Originally posted by tstevs

Hope you're all well

11 am was best time for me here in the UK

Hi tstevs,

We're doing well. We hope you are too.

Another vote for back to earlier, got it! :D


Originally posted by Stormcrow-69

Thanks for the code,

Please go back to the 11am slot, as that works really nicely for the UK (dinner time).

Hi Stormcrow-69,

You're welcome for the code.

Back to 11am vote, thank you for that. :)


Originally posted by Darkliandra

Earlier is better for us in Europe :D.

Is there something you could implement for more rune solvents? Maybe buy them with dungeon coins, it would make those more useful.

Hi Darkliandra,

Yeah, that seemed to be the consensus on stream last night, that we've got a large European group of viewers.

We're not planning on giving out more rune solvent than we currently do, but it a request that comes up from time to time, so I'll add your vote to that item. :)


Originally posted by Global-Quantity3849

Hi Erika

Looking forward to Dungeons Season 5 and thanks for the chest.

Best time for me in the UK is 11am Pacific Time.


Hi Global-Quantity3849,

Yeah, it will be nice to get Season 5 live for players.

You're welcome for the chest and thank you for the note on the stream time.



Welcome Crusaders!

Before we begin: I hope you're all staying safe and being kind.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then checking back throughout the week.


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Originally posted by PunkyKiss

Langley skin in the shop when?

At some point. Thanks for the nudge.

27 Sep


Originally posted by BreeUnderhill

Would it be possible to have a way to filter the skins list, similar to the gear list? I don't think I'll ever need to change the base 20 skins off, so it would be nice to be able to filter the list so I can scroll through and see just the skins that change tags and make changes easier than the full list.

Yeah, there's a lot of skins now. Filters for what to show on that screen is on the QoL list to add at some point.

Cheers. :)


Originally posted by crenzz

Thanks for the code!

Can there be an option to either filter out certain mission types (for example, gold)?

As well, is there a way to have crusaders with buffs to enchant points (from runes) featured first for enchant point missions?

You're welcome for the code. :D

Ideally, I'd like separate tabs for the various mission types but it's been a nice-to-have update we keep pushing off for other tech, like bug fixes and new content. One day hopefully.

Filters to sort the Crusaders in the list to send on missions is also something we'd like to add when we can. Thank you for the reminder. :)