

06 Jul


Originally posted by DragonFuhrer

Not sure if this was mentioned in the past, so for would be nice to have a disenchant 1 feature for legendary recipes instead of having to disenchant all and then buying back.

Thank you.

Yeah, disenchant to level 1 as a disenchant option has come up before. I'll add your vote to the item on our suggestion list.

Thank you for the reminder. :)


Originally posted by Vitalii-Aliluiev

Hi Erika,

Do you have any plans to have a way how to merge multiple runes at once? Or maybe disable that annoying confirmation message?

Thank you

Hi Vitalii-Aliluiev,

Yup, quicker rune merging is on the list for adding as soon as we can.



Originally posted by rafcio39

Hi Erika! What are these QoL functions? And when is the 6th anniversary of CoTLI?

Hi Rafcio39,

Whatever QoL items we can knock off the list for the update.

The exact date we consider the anniversary is the Kong/FB launch date of July 30th, 2015, which is why the celebration week starts on the 28th.


Welcome Crusaders!

Before we begin: I hope you're all staying safe and being kind.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then checking back throughout the week.


The previous Q&A: Number 246!


Read more External link →

We don't unsubscribe players from the newsletter, just in case you do see an update that peaks your interest and makes you want to return. The codes, being individual, don't expire. However, players can only use one code per email campaign.

You can use the Unsubscribe link in the footer of the emails to remove your email from the mailing lists, or if that link isn't working for you, you can reply to email address the emails are sent from and ask to be unsubscribed.

05 Jul


Originally posted by Halaberd85

hi again,

are there any plans for a way to unslot all runes currently in use?

the release of the 5th rune slots has meant the ability the remove all runes currently in use and re-distribute them is very desirable but we just don't get rune solvents frequently enough to do so.

Hi Halaberd85,

No plans currently to add that function, though it was requested recently as maybe a one-time option for players to do. I'll add your vote to the item on the list.



Originally posted by xyzzex

seems that that code doesn't give geode even it shows when uses code.

Just a visual glitch on the inventory not updating right away.

Reloading the game after redeeming the code will have the correct inventory amount, and we'll look into the visual glitch.

30 Jun


Just gonna leave this here: JULY-LONG-WEEK-END!

Expires July 11th, 2021 at Noon Pacific Time (UTC-7.)

Have a good weekend all!


Originally posted by ryan92084

Thanks for the sader move, I know that must have been a tough decision. As a future skin suggestion Qadir has obtained the nickname of Lemon Elf and often associated with earl of lemongrab gifs so it'd be kind of fun to see a skin lean into that.

We'll add the Earl of Lemongrab inspiration for a Qadir skin to our list of skin requests. Thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by _Nord_

Tintahal means cuttlefish in Hungarian. Qadir somewhat looks like one. Coincidence?

Totally intentional when naming them actually. :)


Originally posted by Goran369

''being kind''

Missed this update,any good?

It's just what everyone says these days with the c-virus around, be safe and be kind, because everyone is stressed out over the changes it brought.

29 Jun


Originally posted by Croq360

If only there was a way to suggest add something, even sprint subliminally, as to a possibility challenges for speeding things up...



Originally posted by Doctor_Arkeville

Hope you and the team are doing well! I have two quick questions today:

I heard that there was a chance the Li'l Reaper taskmaster would have a price drop. Is that something that might be happening in the near future?

Has there been any progress on adding additional Legendary level based filters beyond two plus in the Craft Items screen? It would be a huge management benefit with Legendary Hoards encouraging having all items leveled and not just the ones we want as high as possible.

We're doing as well as we can. We're coming up with innovate ways to survive the heatwave that Victoria is currently experiencing. Luckily it should break soon.

We may lower the price for Lil' Reaper with the start of Season 5 of the Dungeons.

The extra filters are still on the QoL list to squeeze in when Wilson has a bit of time. :)


Originally posted by AllShallBeWell

I just noticed the change on Qadir's seat. Thanks for reevaluating that.

Okay, so I get from your other responses that you consider Garnet being able to prevent you from Sprinting to be 'working as intended'.

This deeply perplexes me.

It looks like you've coded it so that it doesn't trigger once you start Sprinting, so you recognize that it makes sense for Sprint to take precedence.

Why doesn't it seem obvious to you that having Garnet warp you past bosses, stopping Sprint from going off, doesn't make sense?

I honestly would like to understand this.

Or, another way of asking it is: If you Warp past a boss, my understanding is that the things that would be triggered by killing a boss are all activated (e.g., Langley, Almquist, chests, etc.). Why don't you consider Sprint not activating during a Warp to be a bug, on the same level as any other boss-killing ability that just randomly not activating would be?

If, on a boss area you have Garnet in formation and Reality Warp purchased, Sprint is coded to have precedent on completing the area in your allowed Sprint areas, as Reality Warp without a rune equipped isn't as powerful as Sprint, so we didn't want players to lose their Sprint there to the Warp.

Otherwise, the game only does one of the 3 actions: Phase Skips, Warps or Sprints. Those actions don't stack, so it's not a bug if players have the ability to buy Warp before area 5 and accidentally Warp before they intend to.


Originally posted by dimitrius5naj

Erica, hello!

I'm glad that community reviews play an important role for you (not just in one Russian MMO). May I ask for a little favor? Can you display more detailed information (up to units) when hovering over the number of open chests, found items and other little things, the number of which has exceeded hundreds of thousands?

And as always - thanks for the chest!

PS. Can I get a discount on all crusader packs for the next Steam sale?

Hi dimitrius5naj,

Do you mean more digits for the various statistics on the stats screen, if you're over a 6 digit number? Or do you have a screenshot of which digit you'd like to see in more detail?

You're welcome for the chest code.

We'll see what discounts make sense for the next Steam sale.


Originally posted by Nerdz

Hi Erika,

Is there any kind of "Bug Bounty" program?

Hi Nerdz,

It's not something we currently do with Crusaders, though I know that Nick does have some awards for Bush Whacker 2 players, if they report a super serious bug. I'll chat with him and see if that has helped him get more useful bug reports.


Originally posted by rjakubec


Thanks for changing Qadir's bench! I did not know that was coming and it was a nice surprise. I guess Ana can stop her missions now and go back to the formation. ;)

Oh, yeah, I also love the achievements for Qadir, which will be completed by the end of this calendar year, I hope. :D

See ya!

PS: Make challenges faster after area 5k, wink wink!

Hi rjakubec,

Yeah, after a weekend of thinking about it and discussing it with Justin, changing their bench seat made the most sense. It's live if you reload the game into version .297.2.

I completed Qadir's projectile achievement on Alien Morse Code, went pretty quickly there. Glad you're excited to attempt the achievements. :)

I've been working on trying to design some challenge speed. Hopefully that will see the light of day at some point. :)


Originally posted by Croq360

Sad about no livestream this week, but glad you are getting a day off (or maybe two)! Enjoy your hopefully long weekend!

Yup, taking the bridge day (Friday) off, so it's a nice little long weekend there.

Oh right, I was going to tease the weekend promo in the Q&A.

Integrated Tech weekend, with buffs to First Lady Betty Smithsonian, Queen Ysjorgnak, Qadir of House Tintahal, Fire Phoenix and RoboRudolph, with Queen Ysorjgnak's Golden Spine as the sweetener. :)

Have a good weekend yourself!


Originally posted by DoctorNovakaine

Hi, Erika. Thanks for the chests.

The Qadir move is the right call. They will be magnitudes more effective in that seat than they were in 24, and I'll very likely be adding them into some formation options.

I would like to additionally suggest that you make them Gemthel-compatible (with a hard 100% cap), which would be an easy way to allow the ability to reach 100% without altering equipment or such. The higher rate should have greater impact on the accumulation issue, and I don't really see any way it would be detrimental, particularly because it's a formation-based option and easy enough to choose to use or not use. But that's secondary to the seat adjustment in terms of usage viability, so even if that doesn't happen, they can still see use.

Hi DoctorNovakaine,

You're welcome for the chests.

So change it from an Upgrade to a Formation Ability, so that the Hildr/Vira and Gemthel chain make it 100% chance? We'll keep the idea in mind. Thank you for sharing!


Originally posted by pastuso1

Good morning Erika.

Thank you for listening the feedback. :)

Good morning pastuso,

I hope you have a good day. :)

We'll see how Qadir fares in the new seat.