Read moreOn the topic of chest opening, which just like many other topics, start out as not an issue and then grows and grows until the player-base outcry becomes unacceptable and it is addressed:
This has obviously been brought up by many players on the past year, wanting to open more chests with a single click, as the number of silver chests generated by active players is.. quite large.
Now as you have mentioned, we understand there is a very real technical limitation stopping you from simply upping the numbers and adding a X1000 open button. The way chest contents are generated requires a server-side operation and communication to the client. So x1000 (or more) is a no-go.
However, a perhaps better approach would be to introduce an available intermediate step via a new currency, call it a "Silver-cart". You can put all of your silver chests into the silver-cart and you get 1 silver cart for every 1000 silver chests you put in. Now the silver cart has a special...
Gee this suggestion sounds familiar. I'll add your vote to the item on the LIST.