

16 Apr


Originally posted by SotFX

I haven't bought the 3rd offer one brought up the Exterminator's Super Glowing Sparking Arm Cannon of Instant Death as a new one with a tag stamped over it as "Already Owned"

Didn't even know there was a 3rd offer available

If you complete the Cursed Child Tier 4 11th objective from Mugwarts, it unlocks a 3rd Golden Item to rotate in the Challenge token store.

It's usually good at choosing the 2 Golden items to display. Do you own almost all Golden items that would be available from the token store currently?


Hail Crusaders!


Alan and Bridget are prepping eggs for next Easter in our latest colouring sheet Year-Long Prep, which you can find on our website!

Or, if you're feeling creative, you can submit your Crusaders fanart!

If we get 50 coloured sheets shared at us on our Twitter with the hash tags #lostidolscolouring and #paintedeggs or shared here on reddit by Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 at 4pm (16:00) Pacific Time (UTC-7), then we'll release a code for a 3 day long 25% Idol buff redee...

Read more External link →

15 Apr


Those are some awesome submissions, thank you all!

Since these Candyland sheets were so involved, I'm rounding up to 50 sheets!

Congratulations! You can now redeem AIMA-TBAM-BOOC-ANDY for a 7 day long 200% Spawn Speed buff.

Code expires at Noon Pacific Time on Friday, April 23rd, 2021.


So, while we really did want to launch the event today, making some tweaks to Garnet's Warp tech has taken longer than Wilson expected.

We're working towards finishing it up to launch tomorrow, rather than just before we go home tonight.

The event end date will reflect the delay in the start date.

We've released the April 15th batch of runes though, for the Holy Guardian through the Evanescent.

External link →

14 Apr


Originally posted by Kite-sama

Cool about first point, but the second that was only and example, the idea was to apply that in general, why not let's us see how far we can reach and how much we can get from doing it, if this was a mmo and we could somehow play or affect the play with others players i understand the cap, but since is a single player what's the point on creating a limit on how we decide to play and the rewards we get, that's the part that i don't get honestly, what point is there of a challenge if you limit the challenge itself?

The uncapped nature of dungeons was more so players could see what true DPS they would have when unfettered by the cap. Some players have set the highest area stats at what they can actually reach based on their DPS.

The seasons will continue to evolve, so we may get to a point where players will be able to weigh deep runs to the full extent of their DPS versus slightly shorter runs.


Originally posted by whywouldichooseaname

hey i have a handful of random suggestions, make of them what you will

- give the double-rewards runes a multiplier for common rarity missions, so that they're more effective on the weaker missions. it kinda feels bad to get a coveted double success on Storming the Castle, and i dont think there are any common missions that this would seriously impact

- for the golden epics in the challenge store, it'd be nice if the price was adjusted for the weaker items. i dont want to make you go through all the items to manually change prices, so i think a good compromise would be to make the "120% dps for all crusaders" items cheaper, maybe 200 tokens instead, since theyre pretty much the weakest items you can get (besides, you know, the ones you dont even use)

- finally, i know people ask to level down runes a lot, but i just want to add that, if a level down option were added, i wouldnt mind if it had a cost attached. probably legendary catalysts sin...

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  • So like if you sent a Crusader with a double success rune on a Common mission, instead of x2 rewards, you end up with x6 rewards? Or it has a better chance to double success, since it's just a Common mission?

  • I'll note down the request on our list and we'll see what happens.

  • We don't currently plan on allowing for unmerging runes, but we'll keep the cost for unmerging in mind.

  • Filters for the skin menu could be worth doing. I'll add it to our list of potential QoL items for a future update.


Originally posted by Not_Pro

Hi Erika,

Hopefully this isn't too late. I'd like to note that the talent "Phase Skip" doesn't do anything on the higher tier Dead Snow objectives. Killing any of the earlier mobs before Zombig doesn't Phase you, and sometimes when Zombig dies, only then will Phase Skip proc, even though killing the big zombie inherently would've completed (and is the only way) to complete the area. Is this intended?

Hi Not_Pro,

Going by the wording of the Talent and the objective description, I'm going to say kind of the intention.

On a normal area, the normal monsters can count towards completing it. On Dead Snow Tier 3 and up, the lesser zombie deaths only cause Zombig to show up, where Zombig is the only monster that counts for area progress, so only Zombig would trigger Phase Skip as the first monster to count for area progress.


Originally posted by SotFX

Did something change with the legendaries in the Challenge Shop? I've now seen ones I already have pop up in it that are marked as already owned rather than a new one. I haven't bought a new one for longer than since they popped up...

If you've unlocked the 3rd Golden Epic offer in the Challenge Token store and are seeing ones you already own after the timer rotates, then that sounds like a bug.


Originally posted by FTXScrappy

Have you ever considered a (T8) talent that makes you start a run (specifically FP) at a higher area?

We did this with the original version of Phase Skip, but it only saved players a few seconds because there's Sprint, and it lost out on all the bonuses of killing the boss with the Crusaders in the formation.

There were requests to bring back the original version with some of those improvements, but there haven't been many for a while.


Originally posted by Starsteph100

Do you have to unlock all the T1 crusaders before you can get T2 recruitment missions, or is it more random than that?

You have to unlock both Tier 1 Crusaders for a specific event, before the Tier 2 Crusaders for that event will enter the pool as potential recruit missions, and both Tier 2 before Tier 3 etc., but you don't need to unlock every Tier 1 Crusader to see Tier 2 Crusader missions.


Originally posted by Xarth42

Is there any plan to either speed up dungeon runs or lower the required number of points to get the 'final' reward? I hadn't bothered trying to get to the last reward before this season since it seemed way too far away. I'm going for it this time, and I'll get there, but it feels like too much grind, and means I feel bad for, like, doing a token or idol run instead of pure point runs at all times.

I'd like to be able to go for the final reward, since something like 1.25e6 mats is pretty huge for me, but if the grind is the same next season there's basically no way I'm going to want to go for it.

We'll be making some changes to the dungeons so the time per run doesn't increase too much.

Level 25 is the main goal for completing a season, as that's all the related achievement requires. The levels 26 through 40 are just extra for players who are happening to achieve over the needed points for reaching that milestone.

13 Apr


Originally posted by FarmerGiles2

After watching the CNE live stream last week, I figured out how to merge runes. However I couldn't figure it out from reading the FAQ. Could instructions be added to the Runes FAQ that tell how to do the merging?

Hmm, you're right, that could be a little clearer in the FAQ. I'll make a note to update that.


Originally posted by Kite-sama

Hi Erika

- Is there a chance that we can get a feature that let´s us cancel a mission, sometimes we just want to use a PJ we send on one and don´t care about the mission, so being able to cancel them would be nice.

- Why the cap on the rewards? Example Waterways, even if we reach an area over 20k+ the cap is meet on area 15k, we should be able to get rewards in accordance on how far we move on, so why limit the progress, what's the point on being strong or having a great formation if you guys just cap us plainly.

Hi Kite-sama,

  • It's something that comes up from time to time, and I would like to implement eventually. No current ETA.

  • There's caps on the season rewards to maintain a bit of a balance, since not all players can reach area 15,000 in a timely manner. The cap does increase each season though.


Originally posted by bgh251f2

Right now I'm earning for three things:

  1. more sorting options in the mission screen, mainly because of the runes.

  2. more filter/sorting options in the craft screen. Like being able to order by gear lvl.

  3. more filter/sorting in the rune screen. Like being able to order by slot lvl.

Thank you for the reminder! It's still on the to-do list to make improvements to the mission screen.


Originally posted by Nerve_Representative

Is there a way to merge multiple runes so we won't have to drag runes to the merge area one at a time?

It's something we're looking at adding with the debut of season 4, to make the merging a bit quicker.


Originally posted by invento_kave

Been dutifully checking on the YT channel for the Crusaders weekly episode from April 1... The latest one on the channel is still the one from March 18th. I missed part of the discussion and wanted to hear the rest, if at all possible.

I believe the April 1st stream is still available as a VOD on Twitch to rewatch.

I'll check with the marketing team about when they'll upload the VODs to our Youtube. They had other videos they wanted surfaced when it comes to the annoying algorithm quirks.


Originally posted by Xerxish

Any chance you release upgrades of already existing crusaders as T7,T8,..?
Theres isn't much (none) variety in formations these days while there are plenty that could become viable if they were buffed or reworked.

We've discussed potentially buffing old Crusaders internally in the past, but the current plan is still to release new ones for Tier 7 versions of events.


Originally posted by Gourou666

Hi Erika,

Two quick questions today.
1) With the idol drop nerf, even a run to area 20,000 does not reward as many idols as the idol bonus from dungeon. So what is the point of capping the regular free plays?
It would be interesting to have a balance between the idols drops from dungeons and free plays, even if dungeons are slightly more attractive.

2) We now have access to more than 160 crusaders.
15 of them are in the A-team, 15 of them are in the B-team, and 130 of them are fighting to get a chance to go on a mission. Unfortunately only 40 of them may have a chance to go out.
Could we get more mission slot, to be sure the remaining crusaders won't chew all the furniture?

Hi gourou666,

1) The previous bonus boss idol formula would have made it possible for a player to instantly increase their idol amount by a large margin with just one free play run. The change was to make it a slower burn in collecting idols. We can revisit in the future.

2) Yup, it's certainly a big roster. It's on the radar to look at.


Originally posted by TheKnoticalMenace

Hey Erika.

Recently, I've been experiencing with an unfortunate memory leak when the game is up for a long period of time - it's mandatory when I'm doing a lot of Dungeons, and with a laptop that isn't capable of high frame rates, it can take quite some time to reach the Dungeon Point cap.

Do you think that the issue will be resolved soon? Also, can't wait for the next event soon!

Hi TheKnoticalMenance,

How long is a long period of time?

We aren't currently looking at any memory leaks, but I can flag it for a future update.