

15 Jul


Thanks for the detailed report, u/VoltFireboy! Looking into this and will follow up here when I have more info for you.

11 Jun


Hi! u/Suitable_Ad9976 and thread!

Next time you experience performance issues can you send an in-game bug report and then DM me with your Epic Account so we can look into this? Thanks!

29 May


Congrats on the VR!

26 Apr


Hi hi! I’m passing this list along. As I get more information I’ll let you know.


Hi! Thanks for the report. We are aware of this one and working on a fix.

Thanks again!

23 Apr


Originally posted by KST_7

I have to since my s22 ultra got stolen. In short yes

Oof. Sorry to hear it got stolen! We are taking a look into why the weak points aren't showing up for you.

04 Apr


Originally posted by ShdwFnm

Now my fps gets better once every 5 minutes for about 15 seconds then starts to lag again. Basically nothing has changed.I can record a video or something else if necessary

Thanks for the update Shdw. I'll take it back to the team and let them know it's effectively not fixed yet. Appreciate it!


Originally posted by MateoVarela

Girl it’s not only on a specific device, all android decides are having those issues

We have been making improvements regarding stability and performance. Knowing the device for this player will help us with internal tests while we look into it.

03 Apr


We recently put out a fix for this. How is it feeling now?


Hi u/Icy-Consequence-2146! What's the device are you using?

28 Mar


Originally posted by zub213

I get this also if I minimise and reopen fortnite on my s23. Still waiting for a fix

Hi! Can you let me know if you still experience this after today?

27 Mar


Hi u/RuleOfThum and thread! The team are aware that you are not receiving the correct amount of materials returned when recycling traps and have a fix that will be released in a future update.

26 Mar


Hi! This is related to the issue we posted about here We are actively working on a fix at the moment.

25 Mar

21 Mar


Originally posted by lepthurnat

u/CatBlips_Epic , what will it take for this to be an option? Is there anything playerbase can do to request this?

I've passed the feedback along to our team :)


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom


freight asked me to tag him when he was still in the subreddit whenever such posts are done, but I guess I can tag you instead now.

Thanks for the tag! I’ve passed this along to the team to take a look into what you have listed here.

20 Mar


Originally posted by Feeling-Big949

Bro the choppy sound?

Update on the choppy sound. We identified it as a separate issue to the Vulkan issue and have a fix. It will be released in a future update!