

26 Jul


Originally posted by The_Fatman_Eats

Lux | TF "Spellslinger" (Control) -- It's delightful how much connective tissue there is to be found between the two champs using cards like Avatar of the Tides and Ebb. Fantastic designs all around. Game typically ends with my leveled champion(s) picking apart the opponent's board and\or a wide board buffed by For Demacia! smorc.

Heimer | Jayce | Kindred "Shadowrun" (Control) -- A janky blend between Sentinel Control and Dark Tech with the win conditions of neither, the deck mostly focuses on getting value out of overstatted units that are hard to block (the two Sentinels and Hextech Handler) in the early- to mid-game. Typically wins via Acceleration Gate and\or swarming with thicc turrets off the back of a flurry of removal.

Gwen | Vi "Belles of the Ball" (Control) -- My latest addition, this deck seeks to TWE without TWE, using Hallowed to "cheat" at Vi's level up minigame. With backup plans of The Undying and Minion to generate piles of value, the deck typic...

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Thanks for the detailed writeup. Design philosophy is always evolving, always under discussion, and always informed by player feedback. I wouldn't assume its locked down.


Originally posted by BluePantera

I like shrooms and traps, but I'm left wondering why these decks are often forgotten? They have gotten support here and there, even some nice buffs recently, but no matter what the archetype is never meta. It's just too weak and unpredictable. I think a slight nudge in the right direction can make these decks playable in ranked

My favorite expeditions archetype to draft was Shroom control with endless puffcap peddlers and 2-3 hexcore foundry so I could chump with chump wumps until they shroomed to death. :)


Originally posted by spoonfighter

My favorite deck to play is still Soraka/Braum Starsprings. I like taking alternate ways of archetypes and strategies. Freljord gives Starspring some board control, accelerates Starspring really fast from Regen and even alternate wincons by granting overwhelm to otherwise chump blockable units. The deck doesn't always feel good, but every once in a while there's a meta where I won't get stomped every game I play it.

That's a cool deck. Alt wincons are always interesting to talk about. They're really interesting to design too. :)


Originally posted by SherlockFish

i think I’d say asol invoke control. Space puppy is best puppy

I love the invoke control decks that invoke a lot and outvalue but they havent been good in a while. I also liked the combat oriented midrange decks kinda like old shen fiora…. But it just feels like bard does most midrange decks better…..

All good dogs go to Targon. Invoke is a super fun mechanic too, I love getting to play with extra-powerful cards.


Originally posted by Uni_Bro

Hi! I’m not super competitive but I really like fated decks because you’re sticking with one unit and you’re protecting it at all cost; like a very good friend! Maybe we can have champions like nunu and willump, or ivern and daisy that benefit from both of them staying alive

I like the thematic callout. Friendship is power. :)


Originally posted by dennaneedslove

I think it’s more about wanting variation of flavour.

Evolve sounds cool until the realisation that the pay off is just stats + pantheon. We’ve seen that already with pantheon, arsenal, victor, deep, elite decks etc. Sure there will be people who love evolve for what it is, and it offers different deckbuilding with keywords, but the pay off is pretty bland because we’ve already seen it. +2/+2 is hardly creative nor is keyword soup

I have to say hearthstone is way ahead of lor when it comes to creative cards and mechanics. Many of recent lor designs are just extra stats. Evolve is +2 stats, hallowed is +1 attack, tentacle is just “go tall and give overwhelm”, udyr is mostly a means to give pile of stats + keyword, galio gives +health, and so on. There are obviously more interesting champions, but it gets a bit concerning when it seems like design is stagnating. And that is truly a shame because lor has much more skill expression compared to hearthstone but hearthsto...

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What are some of the creative card designs form other games you'd like to see get a similar spin in LoR? I like drawing inspiration and good ideas from lots of different games. I know lots of them do it with our stuff too. :)


Originally posted by TheVictoryXD

My favourite decks are always homebrews, I avoid the meta like the plague. Which does get me into some issues I'd like to bring up if you have the time?

I find it really tough to get homebrews to work in LoR, which comes down to a number of factors.

  1. The sets you release all tend to have certain pre-built decks baked in. It's less of an issue with this most recent set, but there are a few older archetypes that are very inflexible which really should be looked at. Case in point, Tahm Kench. Released pre-built with Soraka, to the point that even his followers don't really adhere to the Kench's personal game plan. The pairing with Demacia in his reveal trailer mislead me into thinking Kench could be played with Demacia, which he can't. Without the Star Spring win condition, he doesn't survive long enough for a more ordinary win condition.

  2. The generosity of the game makes netdecking a breeze. Which is great, don't get me wrong, but it gets to the...

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It was a great TED talk. I'm a brewer at heart too. :)


Originally posted by NanoBeetle

Thank you! c:

Really interesting design haha. Must be fun to use multiple copies and summon all of them. I already imagine using it with cards like Sparring Student or Overgrown Snapvine.

I like the way you think. Fun combos there. :)


Originally posted by NanoBeetle

Ow, was I too late? :c

Could I at least know what the card would've be? Without the image, just want to know what you had in mind.

Heh, I originally only intended it to be one sunday evening, so I don't think I have time to keep going. But I'll write up a design below. :)

(3) Foxy, Father-Seeker. 0/1When you summon a Father, summon me from your deck.

You should be able to use that design and your photo to make yourself a card with the same online tool I'm using. Just google "Legends of Runeterra card creator".

18 Jul


Hi, I'm a game designer on LoR. If you describe your pet, I'll make them into a card! Just for fun of course, and I probably won't be able to do one for everyone that comments. Just seems like a fun thing to do on a Sunday evening. :)

I need to pick photos for these cards, so if you include an image for them from google (or an animal that looks kinda like them) and link it in your request, that'd be awesome.

EDIT - Special thanks to Reuben Covington, as I was having so much fun we started working on these together.

Card Links:

Zorro, the Courageous Rabbit

Zorro is famous for fearless courage, attacking any animal that appears within his territory.

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