

02 Nov

SCHEDULE All platforms: November 2, 11 a.m. ET

FEATURES Boon Totems Disabled an animation restriction that caused many boon totems to be unsnuffable by the killer due to the placement of the totems.

Dev Note: We intend to re-enable this in a future patch, once we have had time to located and reposition all offending totems so that they play nice. This will result in some totems being snuffable through collision, but we are erring on the side of caution to ensure that all totems can be snuffed by the killer until then. Enjoy it while it lasts, Killer Mains!

  • Fixed an issue that caused the archive widget to appear without any challenge selected when there would be a challenge selected in the tome page.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the purchased survivor to ...
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14 Sep

  • Clusters of Chains targeting the Survivor carrying the Lament Configuration during Chain Hunt will respawn as soon as the interaction is stopped if the Survivor does not complete the Solve interaction.
  • Teleport interaction will prioritize a location on the same level as the Survivor solving the puzzle box.

  • The Dead Dawg Saloon and Raccoon City Police Station maps have been re-enabled.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Steam Family Share to no longer share DLC.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Cross Progression between Steam and Stadia to no longer share DLC.
  • Fixed and issue that caused DLC to disappear on PS4 and PS5 accounts.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all su...
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30 Mar

All-Kill is a new Chapter for Dead by Daylight.

It includes a Killer, The Trickster , and a Survivor, Yun-Jin Lee . Purchasing the add-on will unlock its new Killer, new Survivor, and an exclusive item for the survivor: Yun-Jin's Polka Dotted Blouse.

The new killer is Ji-Woon Hak, better known to fans across the globe as The Trickster. Famed singer by day, calculating serial killer by night, The Trickster thirsts for notoriety above all, treating both his music and his murders as high art.

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