The year of the snake is here, Crewmates!
It's only right that we make our
Lunar New Year Cosmicube available again so there's even more animal themed Crewmates and Impostors in your lobbies. It's ssssssssssafe to say that you'll have luck in the new year with the snake themed cosmetics in the cube!

Even though it's the year of the snake each of the zodiac signs are here - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig, and even a Cat! Spend
20 Stars and you can unlock:
- Squeaky Clean Hat [Rat]
- Who Cut the Cheese Visor [Rat]
- Bull Headed Hat [Ox]
- Ear of the Tiger Hat [Tiger]
- Go Get 'Em, Tiger Visor [Tiger]
- 18 Carrot Gold Hat [Rabbit]
- No Need to Dragon Things Out Hat [Dragon]
- B...
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