26 Jun

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hello there,

Wanted to drop you a quick note to give you some updates on today's update deployment. We had some initial issues with stamina values as well as the ticket counter in HvV. Both of these were fixed earlier on this afternoon via some server side tweaks.

The primary issue that we are currently tracking revolves around a crash that is occurring within Capital Supremacy while playing on Naboo. We know that this is affecting all three platforms and happens during the transition phase between ground and ship.

We're currently working to resolve the issue and will bring you updates as soon as we have it.

Outside of this, we are not currently tracking any other significant issues, but as always, if you experience anything unexpected, please do let us know

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Originally posted by Ocucuco

Honestly hope the CMs see posts like these because I have limitless respect for the entire team. They never fail to put a smile on my face with each new update

Was spotted by our Design Director and shared amongst the team.


    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Dmalice66

I know I saw people asking about the jumps for Commando, Greivous and so on, did that happen in the update?

No, that will be a future one.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Woggy322

I love it when they let us find all the fixes they throw in

I don't think I've ever seen a game where release notes cover 100% of changes, there are always undocumented ones.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is being fixed via a server side tweak, sorry about that!

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We're looking at this now, server side tweaks incoming.

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Originally posted by mrreow5532

Been sayin that since kashyyk. Up frequency of new map for two weeks like 75% of lobbies should be new map

We're also making it do two rounds on Naboo, so even more chance.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Plot twist, we NOW have a tank.

That was a good tweet ;)

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It stares into your soul

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RickGrimes-44

He has a point and has the right to pose the question. Just don't be such a tool about it. Pisses me off when people have genuine questions/criticisms but pair them with insults.

Agree. If you have a valid concern, some feedback or criticism, please let us know. Pairing it with insults will only end in one way.

25 Jun

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by superjediplayer

"I just need to put a screenshot into the post"

Good Job

I think that may have been that screenshot too.

Hate hearing myself talk, sound like a Welsh Battle Droid in this.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Harvey has been a member of the team for a while now, he's part of our ace animation group. One of the best.

He has a great YouTube channel if you are interested in animation https://www.youtube.com/harveynewman

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct


The Where are those Droidekas? Update arrives on June 26th. Here’s a quick recap of what you can expect.



Arriving this week will be one of the most requested additions to Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II, the Droideka.

One of the most feared droids finally joins the Separatist army, wielding twin blasters and personal deflector shield generators, making them a formidable foe for anyone that faces off against ...

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Originally posted by slagerthauhd

Very good! Is it for this coming patch or the next in august?

No date yet, early stuff. Being explored.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by slagerthauhd

Yes please, but how are you gonna change that. Maybe fixed game Time like in battlefield? 45 Minutes? And command post spawn is super important and maybe the icing in the cake, make all vehicles spawn on the map and let us hop in and out ^

We are working on some Capital Ship tweaks that should hopefully fix the timing issues and make them a more enjoyable experience overall.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The bigger issue here is that we don't want games last 2-3 hours plus.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Blueice506

All this time, I could never figure out whether he was saying “kneel” or “yield”.

I just heard kneel and went with it.