Factorio team, v453000

Factorio team, v453000

18 Oct

3 days to go!

Factorio: Space Age Trailer

With a new Expansion of course comes a new trailer. After many weeks of work, fine-tuning, and polishing, Albert (with help from Vaclav, and the script written by Earendel) has finished the launch trailer for the Space Age expansion:

The result speaks for itself, and there are some details you might notice. For instance the rockets now have fixtures carrying the cargo pods, and we have animations for cargo pods landing on a planets and at landing pads.

Or perhaps you noticed the player running around with some of the new late game technologies...

Mech armorv453000

From the very first prototype of Space Age, we had a new tier of armor in it. The only difference was a 20% larger equipment grid over Power armor Mk2, but along with quality this felt well above adequate already.

As Earendel and Albert were dev...

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