Also, which of the following "old" Knockout maps should come back?
Similar to the poll yesterday: let's talk about #Knockout!
Pretty clear: Goldarm Gulch, Belle's Rock and Flaring Phoenix. Leaves us with the rest of the pack. So here's a couple of new polls! 👊
Which map deserves to stay?
#brawlstars #maps
@SrJanota Already designed one with some input from @TheMordeus. 😉
@Random_Brawler Yeah, no worries. Mosh Pit can't be competitive for obvious reasons.
@Pr3tzel222 Fun fact: Ring of Fire is one of the few maps in the game I've designed myself, inspired by the one and only #JohnnyCash! 😌
We'll definitely keep Temple of Boom. Interestingly enough, while I don't think Mosh Pit is competitive, I saw quite a few comments in support of it being a fun map. Conclusion: likely going to remove Double Sided and Open Business, bring back Split and add a new, more open map.
@Noemi_B_C What the actual f... how is this real?
@FA_Soufi We're no longer whitelisting for about a year now, so lists became redundant.
@SymantecBS @BrawlStars Yeah. Known issue! 👊
@zreplays_yt We'd love to do this, but the effort to make it happen right now is prohibitive. Effort vs. impact make this a low priority item.
@RavenOf8 @HuyDandylion We've tried this out but the flow didn't work. We didn't want to increase the time it takes for everything to play out and it was too tight.
@Chen You sure you didn't visit Niantic?! 😅
@HuyDandylion The bans will be in the next update, Brawler Suggestions *might* make it, but we aren't 100% sure.
Power League (and Power Match) changes and improvements are coming up soon! ⬆️ 👉 Short version: Individual bans for every player and Brawler suggestion! 👉 Long version: read more on
@KomandoBrawl That's not a good example of "bad" matchmaking. In Team Mode it's based on the highest player in your group. Since you can be matched with players +/-2 ranks within the range, Johndee is in range with the opposing team.
This cannot work differently to avoid exploitation.
@natwithaheart I won't even go into how rediculous and annoying af some people are.
If you ever need someone who's somewhat detached from all of this to talk to, my inbox is always open. 👊
@fagamingforyt @Dani_Supercell @BrawlStars @Paula_Supercell What Trophy range was that at?
@satyamfrantic @KomandoBrawl It's almost likeit should be called "Not so open Business"... 😅