@grannyTakzihiz Greetings from Helsinki with my buddy Bruce! 😉
@H_H_Moreno My double chin, mainly. 😂😂😂
@Ark_BrawlStars lol!
@SingleMaltbs Nope, not yet!
#brawlstars #brawltalk #brawlywood
"I love you so much and I'm your biggest fan" https://t.co/ktZGbdR9OW - xoxo Colette #Brawlywood #BrawlTalk https://t.co/nMxERKYOx1
@julienmartin_ We're not aware of any server side issues. What's your player ID (#xxxxx)?
@pawchaw Farewell for now and good luck on the other side! 👋
@Dani_Supercell Not mine, but Gugu's! 🔥
@thisisFINLAND @cityofturku This looks gorgeous!
@SussyMouse @hsfi @AdrianHaggqvist It's in Mumbai.
@Steven94260326 @hsfi @AdrianHaggqvist Most of it is actually in English. Just hang in there.
@ErHazzzz Yeah, that's the plan. We are just in the process of creating a little park there. The dirt arrived earlier this week, the statues yesterday. Grass hopefully soon - maybe before snow. lol
@cmc_r3vilo I'm full of myself. 🤣
If you're curious about how we work - @hsfi interviewed @AdrianHaggqvist and me for their youth section and we talk about a few things and they show some impressions from the office. We start at around ~3:45 minutes, enjoy! 😊
#brawlstars #supercell
The weather in #Helsinki slowly turning from bad to worse (rain, darkness, cold, heavy winds), but this "little" guy is a bright ray or sunshine guarding our office full of busy developer bees. 🥰
#supercell #brawlstars #frank
@AshClashYT It's something we'd like to do and it's on the backlog. 🙌
@Reply_Totem That bm really paid off. 😂😂😂
@NVOKTAY I guess it's something a lot of organizers struggle with. You don't know how long you'd have to postpone. Could be months...or a year.
@rehanlovesgod88 @Angels_Prez10 Our current esports partner is the Vindex Group. No plans to conduct World Finals in India and currently it would be a rather unlikely location for us to pick.
@ZeroPointStorm @BrawlStars @Dani_Supercell You're a few hours late, we've removed it shortly after it was published. We had a technical problem with our map moderation pipeline this morning which allowed this to show for a short moment. Unfortunate.