

03 Mar

Hi everyone,

Sorry for keeping quiet on the topic for so long. I have to be honest here, this blew up way bigger than I or anyone here would have expected.

First of all, I want to make it absolutely clear that we would NEVER make a change that we believe to be bad for the game or just to annoy anyone. Any change, no matter how big or small they may appear, gets discussed internally and, of course, pros and cons get weighed against each other.

When we were planning these specific changes, we did so with a couple of ideas in mind.

The stack and sort buttons have always had a bit of an awkward position in their previous spot due to the visual separation of the inventory UI by the weight bar. They always seem to belong more to the equipped Items rather than the inventory items that you are stacking and sorting. For any new player, this change is simply supposed to place the extended management functions of Stack/Sort, next to the area that they a... Read more