

01 Dec


A player has to WANT to get better and WANT to learn mechanics. This is not something cab simply be put into the game.

There is a reason why protected match making is a thing for new players. Almost 120 battles they are in protected MM with bots.

The other thing I see that new players do, that I try to discourage is playing in division with friends when they haven't come out of the "new player experience" yet. (approximately 120 battles)

This pulls them out of protected MM where they should be learning mechanics. And can make them have an adverse experience.

Which is why I try to tell everyone, SLOOOOOOOW down. It's hard when you have friends that already play, you want to train them and play with them, but they have to be allowed to at least get out of protected MM first.

Just my 2 doubloons.




Do you or your family have any holiday or new years traditions? What are they? When did it start? How long has your family been doing this?

For me growing up, my mother being Japanese, we always had noodles with the New Year (at midnight, superstition that noodles will bring a good year) and for New Years Eve we went to a very good Japanese Restaurant downtown or she would make a very traditional Japanese meal. Very simple, but some of my most memorable moments growing up were these times. Once I left for the Navy, of course the family being together was next to impossible but I tried to keep up having noodles at midnight (though now I have a glass of whiskey with it too)

From us to you, we hope you have a WONDERFUL holiday season, we know this has been a rough year but we also sincerely hope that the coming year will be better than the last!




American battleships leave Early Access, Winter Trophies, Brawls, and other new features! Read it on the portal


¡Los acorazados alemanes emergen del Acceso Anticipado; Trofeos de Invierno, Peleas y otras nuevas características! Leer en el portal


Encouraçados americanos emergindo do acesso antecipado; Troféus de Inverno; Brigas e outros novos recursos! Leia no portal


Captains! Due to the installation of the Update, the server will be unavailable

from: Wed. Dec. 02 2:00 AM PT

until: Wed. Dec. 02 5:00 AM PT

Update size: 3,1 GB



American battleships VIII Kansas, IX Minnesota, and X Vermont will become available for all players to research.

Features of the Branch

Numerous main battery guns with a solid salvo weight and firing range, which come at the expense of longer gun reloading times.

Great maneuverability for battleships and effective anti-torpedo protection, but rather a low speed.

Decent AA defenses that can be reinforced with the Defensive AA Fire consumable.


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Claim your Santa's Gift and Santa's Big Gift containers, as well as other rewards! Read it on the portal


Reivindique seus contêineres Presente do Noel e Grande Presente do Noel, bem como outras recompensas! Leia no portal


¡Reclamen sus Regalos de Santa y los contenedores de Gran Regalo, como también otras recompensas! Leer en el portal


Não há melhor hora para usar a Estação de Recrutamento! Convide amigos neste mês para jogar o World of Warships e recebe um grande pagamento em Dobrões por cada um! Leia no portal


¡Este es el mejor momento para la Estación de Reclutamiento! ¡Inviten a sus amigos este mes a jugar World of Warships y obtengan enormes pagas de Doblones por cada uno! Leer en el portal


Estamos aquí para contarles sobre el único cliente de juego y los últimos cambios que hemos realizado en él. Leer en el portal


Estamos aqui para contar tudo sobre o cliente único de jogo e as mais recentes alterações que fizemos a ele. Leia no portal

30 Nov



So firstly, as a player, I have heard that World of Warships is "dying" for years. Which I have always found amusing, because it is not and has not been.

Second, it is 100% normal for players to play a game for a year or two and transition to other games. The gaming world is fluid, people come and go. I still jump back to old titles I have stopped playing or stop playing newer titles that just came out.

Just because you don't like a mechanic, or game mode, etc, doesn't mean that "everyone" doesn't. I would not be in this position if I didn't enjoy World of Warships (believe it or not, I am in this position because I WANT to be, not because I need to be) and I have been around since early Alpha testing and still enjoy playing on the regular.

All that being said, game developers and publishers are run by people, people get things right and sometimes they don't. This is human. Just because you don't agree with them,...

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The Verizon Branches Challenge and the Verizon Champions Challenge are TWO different competitions, so I am unsure what you are trying to say.

The Verizon Branches Challenge is for Veterans and we are verifying military service using ID.me as stated in the article. This is for the donation to charity. If account sharing occurs that's simple, because they will be disqualified and all they would be doing is handicapping their team.

The Verizon Champion Challenge is for everyone that participates in Clan Battles and qualifications are already done for that.

I will pass your feedback up for further tournaments but remember there are a lot of people involved in this event and a lot of other variables as this is the first time we are doing something like this, some people are going to of course not be okay with how it is executed but all we can do is learn from it and move forward.





Some of you need to take a look and READ the forum guidelines. As some of your statements are borderline violations.

I don't know about you but if I am going to spend money on any product (especially online digital products) I will READ what the article actually states.

The missions for doubloons on the original version of the ships is for compensation if they get the B version which would be a duplicate ship.

Every write up on the B versions READS the same:

Combat mission:

Owners of this bundle will also receive a special combat mission for Jean Bart

Five victories in Random, Ranked, or Co-op Battles played with Jean Bart will bring you 2,500 doubloons and 25,000 Coal

If you are unhappy with your purchase, feel free to put a support ticket in and request a refund.


28 Nov


¡Vean el avance del siguiente episodio de Leyendas Navales! Leer en el portal


Watch the trailer for the next episode of Naval Legends! Read it on the portal


Veja o trailer do próximo episódio de Lendas Navais! Leia no portal