

03 Oct


Abaton is back online and available. Thank you for your patience and once again apologies for the additional maintenance time.


The maintenance is being extended by roughly 15mins.

Thank you for your patience.


Greetings Adventurers!

We have seen a lot of frustration around individuals who may be artificially remaining active enough in servers to avoid the automatic AFK mitigation that is built into New World. We certainly agree that this is not acceptable behavior, especially when there are droves of individuals who are waiting patiently to get into a world. We have created a new solution to help us identify and action against bad faith AFK players.

We will not disclose the details of how the solution works, but we will say that we have every confidence that players who are playing New World normally will not experience any issues. Initially, being caught by our detection solution will result in a quick kick to the main menu. If the behavior continues, more harsh penalties will be applied.

This effort is going to be rolled out over a period of time, so results may not appear immediate, but this is something we are dedicated to bringing online as quickly as we feel com...

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Greetings Adventurers,

We are restarting the world Abaton in the EU Region at 8:00PM PT for maintenance. Downtime should last for about an hour.

We apologize for the short notice and thank you for your understanding.

28 Aug

    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Every Friday, our dev team will be logging in to play in the weekly Closed Beta test from 11AM - 5PM Pacific, and chatting with folks in our public Discord server! https://discord.gg/playcrucible

If you're looking to play outside of the weekly playtest, you can use the pingable 'gamer' role and look for pick-up games in the LFG section.

Hope to see you in-game!

18 Aug

    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey folks, if you're having a hard time finding a match, try searching during the weekly Friday closed beta tests. We also have a 'gamer' role in our public Discord where you can find other players to organize games outside of the playtest window.
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey folks, if you're having a hard time finding a match, try searching during the weekly Friday closed beta tests. We also have a 'gamer' role in our public Discord where you can find other players to organize games outside of the playtest window.

02 Jun

    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback! Have you been working on completing the weekly challenges too?
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks Cynic! We're excited to keep working on Crucible and listening to community feedback.
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We're continuing to build and support Crucible :) and thanks for the skin idea!
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the reports! If you encounter any other issues, please add them to the pinned bug thread for our team to take a look. Thanks!
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback!

29 May

    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the report! We are currently tracking this issue and will be working on a fix :)
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback, completely understand your concern.

21 May

    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Developer’s note: Below you’ll find update notes on what changed in this afternoon’s build. In addition to those changes, our team is primarily focused on addressing other high-impact issues that many of you have been experiencing, as well as making the game accessible to as many players as possible. We made a big stride towards global availability last night, but there are still some login issues that we’re continuing to work through. We’ve included a list of our highest-priority known issues below the update notes.


Some players encounter a bug that causes them to need to repeat the tutorial in order to unlock the other game modes. We’re working to resolve the bug, but in the meantime we’ve implemented messaging for those players to guide them through the steps to getting unblocked.

We've been keeping an eye on matchmaking queues and have made some changes to address the longer wait times that some players have been seeing.

(Added 1:00 ... Read more
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We've posted update notes for tonight's build

Bug fixes:

• Players outside of North America can now download and play Crucible.

• Players will now be properly directed to their nearest datacenter.

• Fixed a bug that kept the tutorial game mode selected even after the tutorial has been completed. Players who complete the tutorial will now see the Heart of the Hives mode automatically selected after completing the tutorial.

• Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving unlock notifications for purchases.

• Fixed an occasional server crash.

20 May

    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Crucible is now available to North American players. Players across the world will be able to play soon. We'll keep you updated! We'll update you on our twitter https://twitter.com/PlayCrucible and discord http://discord.com/invite/playcrucible. Thank you for your patience.
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You may need to adjust your in-game settings to a different quality - it may have defaulted to a lower graphical setting!
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Everyone who joins between now and June 2nd :)
    HardcoreHenry on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello! The game releases at 12PM Pacific (In 30mins)!