

01 Mar


Originally posted by floatingatoll

I have a completely inane question.

The wallpaper is 1920x1223 rather than the usual 1920x1280, which means that an area of 1920x57 pixels was excluded.

What was in that excluded area?

The truth is that it's just the size it needs to be for the page, and the reason it's 1920px wide has little to do with wallpaper size. 1920px is the best balance between common browser size and download filesize, and the height is just the same ratio as the original mockup referenced used when I built the page.

28 Feb


Originally posted by jakemoney3

Oh baby that Thorn art at the bottom.

25 Feb


Originally posted by heaneyy

Is this Fisherman's terminal in Magnolia?

Yep, good eye :)


Originally posted by xXtheyetiXx

Great photo

Thank you!

24 Feb


Originally posted by sebglhp

You do understand Spanish has the ‘a’ sound exactly where it is in the English pronunciation. Sounds a little bit like this: “salsa”. Also, Nahuatl (pre-hispanic Aztec language) has a ‘tz’ sound that goes something like this: “ts” (Mexico is so seasoned with Nahuatl that some 40% of towns and places are named in Nahautl. Like Tenochtitlán, Texcoco)

Seltzer would sound something like this: “Seltser”

Really not the same as “Salsa”, is it?

He was quoting the show.

23 Feb


Originally posted by Lucho23433

Does this also apply to third party apps like ishtar?

Yes, it applies to anything that uses the Bungie API to move items.


Originally posted by riverboats

That guy that takes care of this stuff is great.

I have no idea what he is talking about in API discussions but you can tell he enjoys his work and likes helping people understand how it works.

Although this is a game-side fix, I think we all appreciate /u/EdgarVerona :) Especially those of us that work with him each day!

20 Feb

19 Feb

18 Feb

15 Feb


Taken at Pike Place. I am not a car guy, but this car had people staring on the street. It was gorgeous.

14 Feb


Originally posted by SirNoName

Well from the social media marketing campaign they did it sounded like it was the most groundbreaking amazing 5 stars movie ever

Isn't that how every movie ever is marketed?


Originally posted by Limited-Liability

Look at the dude's hammer swing, all you need to know

Part of that is because the video shows a prototype that isn't very strong, so he's being deliberately delicate

12 Feb


Typically you would take Stevens Pass to Leavenworth anyway. That said, Stevens Pass is certainly no picnic. You certainly would want AWD. I would definitely not recommend a midsize unless it had AWD.

WSDOT keeps a page updated with weather info about each pass: http://www.wsdot.com/traffic/passes/stevens/

It's hard to answer right now because both passes are likely to be easier to drive by Friday, but you never know.

My 2 cents: I would cancel. I've driven Snoqualmie in the snow many times, and Stevens a few times, and the conditions this week are the worst I've seen. It may improve by Friday but I would advise anyone without much experience driving the passes to avoid it.

06 Feb

31 Jan


Originally posted by mjacob

You can already redeem the rewards certificate for cash... (both Executive membership and Citi Visa).

Oh, cool. Well, problem solved :)

30 Jan