

13 Oct


Originally posted by hawkalugy

The game is shaping up really well with Ranked for the competitive players. What do you plan to bring, or add, for the casuals? Will we be seeing more game modes, such as CTF anytime soon? Thanks!

We are continuing to look at refining both our competitive play, as well as looking at additional modes we can develop for more casual play. A number of mode ideas have been going through design, but we don't have anything specific to talk about at this time.

We are also creating some fun Limited-Time Modes for events this winter (smaller modes that break the mold in fun ways).


Originally posted by _sparQ_

Well since I'm the first here I may as well get the two most highly asked questions on this sub out of the way:

  1. Is there any time frame for when ranked will be released?

  2. Are you guys aware of/working towards a fix for the people who go AFK or leave mid match?

  3. Are new skins coming out soon because you guys are doing a FANTASTIC job on them and I will buy them all to continue to support lol.

You guys are awesome. This game is probably one of my favorite games and I can't wait to see it continue to grow. Hope you all get around to answering my questions, cheers!

Edit: Didn't see the edit for only 1 question so whoops

Ranked is one of our top development initiatives right now. We hope it'll be out in the next several patches (so this year), but that's always subject to change based on development.

Our initial rollout of Ranked is all about the fundamentals, a way to play competitively, climb a ladder, and see how high you can get. We'll have some rewards for it, but consider the first ranked season to be a Beta season, with us doing a lot of additional development in subsequent patches.

We'll have more information on Ranked in the coming weeks!


Originally posted by Father-Bertacious

Will rogue mastery eventually feature skins? Is it something you have considered?

We are working on adding future mastery rewards for Rogues. In our next update we will be adding 3 new ones (for your player identity tags). Still TBD on the rest of the cosmetic lineup for Rogue Mastery though.

We also have designs being worked on for Weapon Masteries (and weapon mastery will have wraps) and also for event features we hope to roll out this year that will allow additional avenues to earn free cosmetics.

30 Jul


Damn, love it! Going to tweet it @hirezscott


Thanks for the feedback; I'll pass it along!

23 Jul


It was removed during Alpha in part due to technical concerns, and in part because we wanted to explore a more robust system than last kill per round, that didn't extend the round time as much. It's on our future radar, and we have ideas around POTG or even a team highlight trailer - though nothing decided yet as we have quite a few features ahead of it. :-)


😎 Thanks for playing!


Originally posted by ImHully

Is this Gandhi? lol

Ha, no, there are two different Scott's. He's ScottGandhi, I'm HirezScott. We've worked together since Smite though. (Twitter @HirezScott)


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not the current teams, no. However I was Lead Designer on Smite from Beta through its first few seasons, and ScottGandhi was a designer on Smite and responsible for the console versions of the game. That was a few years ago though. A lot of the Rogue Company team has had experiences from other Hi-Rez titles at various points, but we also have a lot of awesome new talented artists and developers from the rest of the games industry as well!


Originally posted by Rogue_HiveMind

Will Talon have a skin where his shirt is buttoned up?

Actually, in his first full skin he takes the shirt and jacket off. 😉

You can't control Talon, he does what he wants, you're just lucky he's on your side.


Originally posted by ZerYaTix

What is the point in leveling? You dont seem to get anything out of it.

At this time it's mainly just a measure of how long you've played the game. Eventually it'll be used in other ways (such as new player progression). TBD, but we'll update more as we progress.


Originally posted by GOKIAGERX

Will there be a smite Chaac skin for Chaac?

lol, we'll see.


Originally posted by iamneubert

Will you stay away from loot boxes and keep this a consumer friendly game with a nice item shop?

We have no plans for loot boxes in Rogue Company. We do strive to be consumer and player friendly.


Originally posted by Codex4

Any plans for more than 4 player game modes?

Going larger than 4v4 is something we're looking into for the future. No set plans yet, but we want to experiment with different game modes types (many as LTMs). We think 4v4 is a sweet spot for the feel we were going for in the core game.


Originally posted by That_Cripple

I really like the intro cutscene that shows each player and who they are playing. Would be cool to see something at the end of the match in a similar vein.

Totally agree!


Originally posted by wahoos22

I love the game so far. As someone who grew up playing Socom and Ghost Recon games, this is the first Third Person shooter i have played that has been genuine fun since those games stopped being produced.

Do you have any plans to add any game modes other than Strike Out and Demo? I would love to see an expanded 6v6 respawn mode.

Is it/will it be possible to “separate the joysticks” in the future? that is, in some TPS games i’ve played, you can use the LS for movement and RS for looking around independently (eg, you could look behind you without having your character model turn around)

Re Game Modes: We do! While we are keeping Demolition as our core competitive experience, we intend to build upon a robust library of game modes. Many of them will be limited time modes (LTMs) and some will just offer different or fun ways to play. We want to have a great core shooting platform for a lot of fun content.


Originally posted by RAPTOR_SPY

Are you guys planning to tweek rouges abilities or flat out completely reworking rouges in the future

As time goes on we will be continually improving the balance of the game and responding to player feedback around the Meta. While a complete rework will be very rare, tweaking can and will happen. (Very similar to our other games we have worked on like Smite).


Originally posted by bxnellis

any plans for killcams?

any plans for cutscenes at the end of the matches to reward teams a bit more for the W, for example like on black ops 3 you throw gestures etc

It's something we are looking into, for sure! No set plans to report at this time, but we've had a lot of designs ranging from end of match MVP showcases to highlight reels that show the best plays from your team. Nothing set in stone yet - we'll update as it solidifies more.


Originally posted by JackedAllMighty

Are you folks planning to add some kind of shooting range so we've got plenty of time to mess around with the controller settings and gyro settings? (Switch player here)

Know there will be custom matches, but i'd love to see some moving targets of some kind to improve my aim instead shooting at some walls in a lonely custom match :)

Yes! We are adding a blockout (pre-art) shooting range for you all next full patch. We'll make it pretty over time. ;-) 

21 Jul


Thank you so much, that really means a lot! It is very much a blend of our favorite aspects from different shooter genres (why we call it Action-Tactical) and it's been a labor of love for us.

We've focused on making the core shooting experience strong and the technology strong, but we've also got a lot more big features and content coming up this summer and fall!