

29 Mar


When you didn't make the cut :(


Originally posted by Buffalo1992

Mod Acorn,

I have one concern regarding this matter. The update to 178.3 did not fix this issue. Not sure if the update details meant it was for this specific issue or not but the issue remains.

Can you let me know if a fix is still being looked into for this issue? Thank you very much!


Hey there! We gave a short update in the latest newspost regarding the iOS devices but it's kind of hidden so I can see how it might be missed. "iOS Users: An issue affecting mobile players on iOS which prevented the game from remembering login details is being looked into by the Mobile Team for a fix in the coming days." Hope this helps! -Mod Acorn

26 Mar


Originally posted by Lazy_Inferno

u/jagexgambit u/jagexacorn

Please consider removing the timer before you can teleport. Just look at the pvp replies on Mod Kieren's twitter. It was a mistake and everyone hates it.


I'll pass it along to Mod Archie as he is the Esports Manager and that potential change would need to be agreed by him before proceeding any further.

25 Mar


Originally posted by Pubeshampoo

Hi Acorn, want a nut?

Sure, but hold the shampoo please.


It's fake. Jagex Player Support also do not refer to themselves as "Jagex Account Support".

22 Mar


Your defence XP has now been reverted back to 75. Apologies for the delay!

21 Mar


I will send you a private message
Edit: The account is now fixed with the correct attack XP. The alt has been added to the Attack level 40 rollback group. Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by marz390

- if it isn't resolved for you within that time the post suggests submitting an account help ticket.

What if I don't have a twitter?

You don't need a twitter. You only need an Old School account to submit the ticket using the link in the latest news post.