

26 Jan


Originally posted by gord162

Hey JD, good luck in your next position. You were a great Jmod. All the best!

Thank you! Appreciate it.


Originally posted by sheva789

@jagexJD im gonna miss you man... Thanks for everything you did on stream and behind the scenes, you always were a cheerful guy and fun to watch! I guess we could say you were a good boy:) definetly tuning in tomorrow, hopefully we get a good boy refference or two :) goodluck in your future endeavours

Thank you! And believe me, this isn't the last you've seen of Good Boy (tune in tomorrow...)


Originally posted by Maridiem

Oh dear! Gonna miss your presence hugely JD! I hope your future career is fantastic and thanks for many years of streaming and fun. Good luck!

Thank you. I'll miss you all, but I'll miss seeing your avatar replying on Twitter. Hope you enjoyed the Lore stream last week!


Originally posted by disdemdere

Awww... :( By far the best RuneScape live stream host. Best of luck to Mod JD in his future endeavors and Thank You!

Thank you, appreciate it!


Originally posted by mrsana

This is so sad, tbh. I remember when I won a giveaway back in 2015 and Mod JD was the one that contacted me and sent me the goodies. You were also on top of things so this one hurts. We also conversed about a concern of mine like 9-10 months ago and you were so nice regarding the situation so I appreciated that. I still do, so thanks for all your contribution to this community and for communicating with me when I had an issue. I did send a follow-up about 21 days ago through DM here on Reddit so I am not sure if you got it or not :P.

In any case, I sure wish you the best in your future endeavors, Mod JD. You rock!

Thank you! (and apologies if I missed the follow-up! It's been a crazy last month or so).

Appreciate the lovely messages, but was just doing my job.


Originally posted by Kelzan_Lienbre

jesus christ that hit like a rock, i cant even imagine my week without watching you on the runescape stream, best of luck with your new adventures! one of the mods that we will miss the most for sure

Thank you. I'm sure Mod Hooli and the team will more than ably replace me, but I appreciate your kind words all the same!


Thank you for all the lovely comments. It's been a pleasure (most of the time).

Seriously though, as I mention in the loooooooong message, you guys have made my time here what it is, and thank you for making it something I'll always remember.


Originally posted by Tkf530

You're telling me you enjoy an angry mob wanting blood almost on a weekly basis? Props to you then and to each his own.

Those are the challenging times, absolutely. The good times absolutely outweigh the bad though.


Originally posted by Hellebaardier

I'm just going to assume everyone who leaves Jagex gets a goody bag full of oddments, a blue paper party hat and a stuffed animal of Bob.

Sadly not. I would love a stuffed Bob though...!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thank you. /u/jagexhooli will be a more-than-able successor, I'm sure!


Originally posted by tehdankbox

I really appreciate all the good things you've brought us, especially as a stream host which I've enjoyed a lot and certainly will miss! Thanks for everything JD, and best of luck in your new ventures!

Thank you! Means a lot. Quiz tomorrow?


Originally posted by Kent_Knifen

Yikes, I hope this isn't in any way related to Jagex's recent acquisition by Carlyle...

Sorry to disappoint, but definitely not. I've been at Jagex for a long time (pretty much a quarter of my life!), and whilst I love what I do, another opportunity came along to try something new and I thought I'd throw myself into it. I had a pretty hefty notice period, so I knew I'd be moving on before Christmas.


Originally posted by Tkf530

You can breath a little easier now that you don't have to deal with these "challenges" anymore.

Not at all. This is what we're paid to do within Community Management. No two days are ever the same, and that's what makes it exciting!


Originally posted by fuckingchris

It is always interesting to see how people see time differently.

Some players get worried that something is pushing a mod they like away or wonder why someone would leave, but 7 years is a long time.

Hope your exciting new opportunities work out.

Appreciate it - thank you for the wellwishes.


Originally posted by IgorPicard

Good luck in your new endeavors!!!

Thank you!


Originally posted by zenyl

Aw man, gonna miss JD, especially as stream host.

Nevertheless, looking forward to a proper send-off with this Big Fat RuneScape Quiz. I wonder if JD will channel his inner Jimmy Carr for the occasion?

All the best to you, JD. May your future be bright, and your servers un-crashed.

Thank you. Very much enjoyed hosting the streams more in recent months, and hope you guys enjoyed them.

Haha I'll try my best. There will definitely be less terrible laughs than Mr Carr (and hopefully the internet will survive this time).


Originally posted by buryitz

Good luck and thank you!

Much thanks!


Originally posted by KimYooHyeon

can't believe this, JD you were fantastic and will be missed loads

Thank you :)


Originally posted by SudoRmRfRs

Holy damn.. @JagexJD, thanks for everything you’ve done both on community and personal level, sad to see you go!

Thank you. Going to miss you guys!


Originally posted by Keve321

Awww, gonna miss him! Good luck with your future going-ons, best of luck :) I'm glad we got that amazing picture of you last week when your camera froze before you left!

Also, everyone tune in to the quiz tomorrow!

You have no idea how happy I was when that meme happened - particularly as I knew I was leaving at that stage! Thank you.