

28 Mar


Originally posted by shadowybob

What an awesome update! I can finally store all those seeds I get. Great work nerds!!

This nerd thanks you.


Originally posted by Tren_Hard7

But regardless of it was something that is technically difficult or time consuming to do or not, it was something that the community suggested very recently and it was implemented very soon after. Why does that, along with other (non major) ironman/PvM updates/fixes take far more precedent and priority over things that have needed fixing in PvP for YEARS? Couldnt the Seed Vault and other things wait, in favor of addressing other things that have needed fixing or attention for a much longer time?

Many things that need fixing (and not necessarily a major update or overhaul or adding some new content and flavor to PvP which would take a lot more time and possibly be technically harder to do) and that have needed fixing in PvP have been problems that have been around for a long time now, and many wouldnt be technically difficult or time consuming to do either. Yet, they are completely ignored.

How do you explain how these QoL fixes, and updates (that are not new major...

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I did quite a lot of PvP changes in November. In a lot of cases PvP "fixes" break other parts of the game and can get quite complex, far more so than a simple inventory like the seed vault. If you read the news posts, we are addressing PvP issues.


Originally posted by Tren_Hard7

Its crazy how fast they put together the seed vault and put it in the game. Although it technically benefits everyone, its primarily an ironman update since mains dont really need to it use it unless they just want to save bank space. Such a useful and great update for ironmen gets put in the game so quickly and yet people have been bringing up what needs to be fixed in PvP and some really great updates for YEARS and Jagex has still pretty much completely neglected it.

Im not gonna lie its pretty frustrating seeing how quickly theyll put things in some great things in the game when it comes to new/fixing PvM content or ironmen updates and yet will take 3 freakin years to put in such a minor update to BH they did recently in the collapsable BH interface, just increasing emblems drops and making it so you cant skip targets in combat.

The argument of "they dont have time or the resources and are a relatively small team" flies out the window when they put together thi...

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As I said in my section in the news post, the seed vault was not technically hard to do.


Originally posted by VandennLive

The seed box is a wonderful update! However, I think we need a placeholder option for the seed vault especially to keep the favorites in place. Currently I have to keep dragging my most used seeds from their category to favorites every time I withdraw/deposit all of them. Being able to re-arrange seeds in my inventory while the seed vault is open would also be nice.

Thank you for the feedback. At this time I can't guarantee any changes, however I appreciate the thought you put into the explanation to help me understand your situation.


Originally posted by BigDonSean93

Let’s say now all of my seeds currently in my bank are now placed into the seed vault. After a slayer task where I’ve received seed drops will I have to drop them directly into the seed vault? Or if I place the seed in my bank will it go into the seed vault? Thanks

You would have to place them in the seed vault.


Originally posted by Genesee_OSRS

The seed vault is a thing of beauty. The best update of, dare I say, all time?

I wouldn't go that far.... I mean, tings like the GE I'd say is better but it is rather good.


Originally posted by BasicFail

I would like to thank /u/JagexMaz for going out of her way to create the Seed Vault. It also seems, according to her words on the project, that she went beyond what we initially asked for.

I honestly can't wait to check it out later today.

Thank you!

21 Mar


Originally posted by flowztah

Too bad, it does make the interface feel sluggish. It makes me curious what's the actual difference is between Music Player, which is loaded instantly (cached, no request?) and Quest List-tab etc.

The music interface is always open. The 4 tabs must be opened each time you hit the tab button.


Originally posted by AintBad

Is the seed vault ever going to come out? I remember a mod posted on Twitter that it was done

Not done. Just nearly done and nearly ready for testing.

14 Mar


Originally posted by Kalbosh

Still waiting for Seed vault

Still working on seed vault.