@gorougayming W
@ssssirK W
It's that time again... What did you get in your shop? 👀
@wildrift: Teemo had a fun time in Jakarta enjoying the kue mongkok from Bakpau Kue 555, Bakpau A Satu, and Toko Kue. If you're in Jakar…
@SingingNuke great answer 💖
@akaNemsko even Rengar?
@MarcolDarkSouls no.
@JhnnyCrwsh What did the cute, cuddly, and loveable poros do to deserve this? 😭
@moobeat But... but... she's a cool shapeshifting master tracker! 🥺
@nyxYasuo Including Viktor??😭
@SquirtIeNayeon The Unforgiven 😔
@Penskidd27 The Demon Jester is not amused! 👿
@littlecapy6ara But then we wouldn't have Blitz & Crank anymore😭
@TSM @5uppps Guess she'll have to get her chin scratches elsewhere
@VictorD01050460 He just wanted to spin in peace😢