@CrenVerdis very good doggies
@DumbsYT stealing this
Now with Naafiri’s mind split across the hounds, their collective consciousness becomes one. They’re unified and ready to challenge any enemy.
Where did those wild hounds come from? Naafiri was able to call on them to attack her captor. Of course, this had some unintended consequences (🗡➡🐕)
@elreydeint real
@ilikeanalpuddi2 the bravest soldiers
@CallmeLy_9 love a shortcut
@heoneyology always 🤭
@CuntyShaymin let’s talk about it😌
@BubseyLoL don’t check your dms from your friends
@CuntyShaymin we got you ✨
DM this to your friend who’s scared of teamfights
@ViickyScarlet @lol_es vengeance unbound
@hemanbartu @lol_es Sett would be proud🙏
@rhoracios Is it hot in here or is it just Graves😳😳
@Ahrius_Fox our captain ✨
@lamespin it's real to ME
Switching regions during Split 1 of the 2023 Ranked Season? Make sure to purchase those tickets before July 16 as account transfers will be disabled after that until Split 2 begins on July 19 12PM local time.
We’re just 10 days out from the end of Split 1 of the 2023 Ranked Season. Ranks reset on July 17 23:59 PM CST and Split 2 begins a day later on July 19 12 PM CST. Let’s finish strong 🏋️
@MahonixMan they killed it!!🔥