Celebrate Pride with us and our LGBTQIA+ community
@aImostangeIs thank you
@ionianzin 🫶🫶🫶
@Artyfakes: A little BTS of my Head Hunter Nidalee Cosplay from @LeagueOfLegends 💚
@Melissa_Lissova: I have a question ☝ I was wondering, if you read the texts here or just enjoy the photos? Or maybe you only like short…
🚨Champion Updates 🚨 🔼Buffs🔼 Akali: Q base damage ⬇️ Azir: Q cooldown ⬇️ W summon range ⬆️, AP ratio ⬆️ Ivern: Q cast range ⬆️. Slam! Damage ⬆️ Kalista: Base health ⬆️, health regeneration ⬆️, attack damage ⬇️
🏆 DRX skins are coming to the Rift 🏆
That and much more in patch 13.11! Read the full rundown here: ➡️
@KingMinaj__ potential?
@EazyAsPiezzz hungry?
@Pompous_Shaymin look at her? at least 12
Can we just take another moment
@drpuppet never gets old
@NullIsAt0 those that get it get it
@Displate logging off rn✌️
can we just take another moment
@HypeOjisan see you soon😌
@BerryWhell stunning!
@Displate gorgeous 🥺
Step beyond the frame into newly painted worlds!
@5p00kybunny face card never declines