

21 Sep

    MaLal on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Knedlik: I hope that the major Crusade management bug will be solved sooner than next week?
Yeap, tomorrow in 1.0.5
    MaLal on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Crusaders! An important announcement:
There is a critical issue with two companions: Sosiel and Daeran.
If you have a romance with ONE OF them and call them OUT FOR A DATE to Midnight Fane at the beginning of the 5th chapter - it will irreversibly break your save file.
We are already working on fixing this, and expect the issue to be resolved in 1.0.6 update, approximately next week.
But it's important for you to NOT call them on the live version, for now, an update will not repair a broken save file.

15 Sep

    MaLal on Steam - Thread - Direct

We’ve just uploaded a hot-fix for the following issues:

  • Couldn’t choose the mythic path of Gold Dragon after retraining - fixed. If you retrained before the 1.0.3 patch, and Gold Dragon didn’t work, this should fix your problem;
  • The ruler of Alushinyrra and her guest wasn’t present during your audience with them in chapter 4 - fixed;
  • The game will stop pausing after the level-up interface now;
  • You will be able to retrain a character on the Demon Mythic Path now. However, if you retrained your demon in chapter 2 in version 1.0.2, you will need to load an earlier save, before you retrained. Otherwise you will have issues with the event when you get summoned in a dream and the following events.

Known issues:
In chapter 5, on the Mythic Path of Demon, Yozz will come to speak with you right after the summit and ask to come with him. If you tell him that you need mo... Read more

14 Sep

    MaLal on Steam - Thread - Direct
Known issues
  • In chapter 5 don’t skip the scene of getting a Mythic level, it may break the game;
  • Re-training your character will break late-game Mythic Paths, such as Legend, Gold Dragon, Swarm-that-Walks, a secret path;
  • Sometimes opening a UI that pauses the game, such as level up screen, may pause the game even after. Workaround: Open and close the inventory if it happens;
  • Characters on a secret mythic path, who have already taken mythic ranks in it, won't be able to get mythic feats or abilities from previous mythic ranks of that mythic path.

  • Deep-Rooted Derangement could break if you skipped the cut-scene which started it - fixed;
  • Fixed the infinite XP gain in the dialogue with Thaberdine;
  • The second dialogue with Nulkineth could start more than once - fixed;
  • The logic in the dialogue with Toil i...
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    MaLal on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Crusaders! An important announcement:
We are now working on an issue that turned out to be really serious and the fix deeply affected the internal structure of the game. Please note that if you saved after using respec in Act II or further, your saved game may remain corrupted, potentially blocking your playthrough. Mythic Demon and Lich are the most affected by this problem. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused, and strongly recommend reverting back to a save made before respeccing.
Please stay away from the respec function up until the next patch. The problem will be gone then.

02 Sep