

22 Apr


We went back and forth on this during design. Should minions with “Can’t Attack” be allowed to attack? 0 Attack minions? Frozen minions? You could make arguments for each of these. Ultimately, it came down to Supercollider - we use the same wording for both and we wanted these two weird cards to act similarly. For Supercollider, the story is that you’re smacking two minions together, so Frozen, Can’t attack, and 0 Attack minions should all get smacked into an adjacent minion. So we made Mass Hysteria the same. As a bonus, it seemed simpler and there were less edge-case if we said it worked on all minions.


Hearthstone doesn’t have a lot of ways to interact with other players. Emotes are one of the few ways to actually have some sort of communication. I’d say as far as toxic behaviors go, emotes are among the least harmful.

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We’re working on delivering it before the end of the year.


Greetings, fellow Explosive Villain In League(of EVIL)!

Sometimes we can write exactly what will happen on a card, sometimes it’s better to write the gist of it as most people will get it. Or at least think they get it enough to matter. This is similar to how we wrote Gral’s eat mechanic, it’s mostly for flavor, but there’s some benefit to save space on a card.

That said, we don’t have plans on teaching spells to more things yet, but I don’t see why not. :smiley:...

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We’d love to bring back the Tyrande alternate hero and things like missing Card backs. It’s one of the most asked for things from the community. It’s frustrating knowing you missed out on something while you were away or before you started playing Hearthstone. We’re working on the right way to get them in to your hands. :smiley:


One of the earliest cards I pitched in Knights of the Frozen throne was Mass Teleport: “Fill both sides of the board with random minions.” It sounds really silly and fun on paper, but once you realized the opponent always had initiative over your minions, you just died. 100% of the time. I thought “Well maybe as a dreamy card it’s fun. Or what if the enemy has a full board?” But it just never happens. It SOUNDS SO COOL. It feels awful to play it every. single. time.


This is something we’re considering. I don’t think we’ll get into a formula for “Mages always get a Legendary spell” and “Warriors get a Legendary weapon.” But I think now that we’ve done Legendary spells and weapons, we’re more likely to just do it when it feels right.


Khadgar says they’re Extortionists. Vile. Immoral. Louts.


Legendary is easiest to decide. Mechanically, if we only want something to happen once a game (ignoring shenanigans), we’ll make it Legendary. Or if it needs to be the only copy of something. A good example is the no-duplicate cards like Reno and Kazakas. Or if there’s something that doesn’t make sense to happen twice in a game, like this scrapped card: “Battlecry: Detonate all Bombs in your oppo...

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We’ve heard from the community and understand this is an important thing to you. And it’s important to us too! The idea of a new game mode is very exciting, so figuring out what the right thing to do is important. We’re going to continue making card expansion and solo content, but other ways to play Hearthstone is something we’re very interested in.


Designs go through a lot of iterations, and this one happened to be a little later than others. We try to get the flavor, mechanics, and art to all line up but getting the right design is the most important part. We tried Boombots, shuffling in bombs, dealing damage, but this is the one we landed on. We wanted to give them some more defensive tools to help out that archetype more than the damage and bomb version.


We nerfed Saronite Chain Gang as a result of combinations with Shudderwock being an unfun experience to play against. It can be exhausting spending a huge amount of time on a single turn just watching everything play out without you interacting at all. There’s an unfortunate side-effect that Chain Gang loses handbuff synergies, but it felt like the right decision to make.

As for Yogg, it’s a pretty dangerous effect for us to have in Neutral sticking around forever. If we were to do this sort of thing again, we’d rather put it in a class where it’s a little more contained.

05 Apr


This is correct. Overkill triggers when a minion deals excess damage on your turn, not when it attacks.

04 Apr


That’s correct. :slight_smile:

03 Apr


We actually tried this. It was (1) less for each Demon that died this game. That didn’t last too long once we started playing it with Glina Crowskin. Getting a board of 8/8 Demons for 0 Mana is pretty insane. :stuck_out_tongue:


No, Desperate Measures will only give you a Secret you don’t already have out.


To add to this, we like that Corrupted Blood creates a tension and a clock. When your deck is completely Corrupted Blood, it’s nice to know that you can close out a game if you’re close. This is also why Fatigue deals increasingly more damage. It’s more interesting if a player has one last chance to win, rather than abruptly losing.


We like to keep keywords to one set. All other Echo cards rotate out before this one, so it doesn’t make sense to have a keyword on a single card in a set. For a new player to jump in to Hearthstone, it can be difficult to learn a bunch of new keywords. By limiting the number of keywords that people have to learn, the easier it is to play Hearthstone. Witch’s Brew doesn’t suffer from being unreadable if we take the keyword off. :slight_smile:


Once minions are on the battlefield, their Costs are treated as the normal Cost for their card. This applies to Giants, discounted minions, and other 1/1 things. So if you have Dorian on the battlefield and you draw a 5 Cost minion, even though the minion on the board is 1/1, the Cost for that minion is 5. If you cast Conjurer’s Calling on the 1/1 minion, you’d end up with two normal sized 5 Cost minions.

01 Apr


Maybe I should Coin->Life Tap more often to take full advantage of the 2nd one I draw on Turn 2.