As of right now, we can confirm that the changes to the Crystal Lighthouse / Bell Spire will come to International with next week's update, and that there is only a very small chance that this will be changed. We will, of course, monitor the effect(s) of the changes and iterate on them if we see a need for that. Your feedback is being heard, and is being forwarded as well.
For those who're reading along now, but are unsure what exactly the changes will be, see the spoiler below:
The Crystal Lighthouse / Bell Spire Ancient Wonder gives an amount of Goods each time you help one of your Neighbors. With the update, this will change slightly: the Goods you get from the Ancient Wonder effect will not be added automatically, but will be added to the Treasure Chests that can spawn in a player's city when you help them. To compensate for the lower occurance, you will 10x the current a...
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