

11 Nov


Thanks for the feedback! The upper echelon of difficulty levels is very challenging and not meant for casual play. The increased difficulty is intended to pair well with the updated scoring and rewards changes.

31 Jan


Great feedback! I’ll discuss with the team.


13 Jan


Heya! This is a bug we are targeting for next weekly PTR update. Thanks for the call out.



Heya! Great feedback. We are adding trophies to the PTR backstories in the near future. You will be able to buy houses and configure your trophies as you see fit.


20 Nov


Greetings Adventurers!

Recently changes were made to the Elite POIs in the end game zones and it is clear to us that proper context wasn’t delivered on why those changes were made. Our goal is to have a variety of areas that players can go to for crafting materials and gear. But with new gear and equipment, we want players to be challenged.

Our vision for end game is multifaceted, and includes Outpost Rush and Wars, Invasions and Arenas, 60+ Corrupted breaches, 60+ Elite POIs and named creatures, and Expeditions, with more to come in the future. There will not be one single source for best in slot and our desire is to encourage players to engage with various activities.

We value your time in endgame and are actively looking into the activities and reward balance. Currently we are investigating an issue with the Elite chests and their drop rates so the journey into harder content is rewarding. We are also monitoring orb creation and usage in Expeditions. We belie...

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