

25 May


Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 28 May. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:


  • Ancient Wonders now have an additional 5 levels and can be upgraded to a maximum level of 35. The only exception lies in The Sanctuary (Humans) and Martial Monastery (Elves) - these Ancient...

Release Notes version 1.105...

12 May

As you may have noticed, we have had some issues with the e-mail newsletter that initially went out alongside the launch of the Festive May Event.

As the situation is slightly confusing, I've summarized what has happened and what you can do now.

  • The first mail, sent on Monday the 11th, was broken and no one could get any seeds from it.
  • The second mail, sent on Tuesday the 12th, is working HOWEVER, there is a slight issue with it.
Some players were (are) unable to claim...

Newsletter Issues
As you may have noticed, we have had some issues with the e-mail newsletter that initially went out alongside the launch of the Festive May Event.

As the situation is slightly confusing, I've summarized what has happened and what you can do now.

  • The first mail, sent on Monday the 11th, was broken and no one could get any seeds from it.
  • The second mail, sent on Tuesday the 12th, is working HOWEVER, there is a slight issue with it.
Some players were (are) unable to claim...

Newsletter Issues

11 May


Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 14 May. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:

New Features

  • Both the Spire of Eternity and the Crafting in the Magic Academy can now be accessed easily with buttons in the bottom navigation bar of the game. The buttons also give some additional...

Release Notes version 1.104

Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 14 May. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:

New Features

  • Both the Spire of Eternity and the Crafting in the Magic Academy can now be accessed easily with buttons in the bottom navigation bar of the game. The buttons also give some additional...

Release Notes version 1.104

08 May


Dear Humans and Elves,

It is time for festive decorations, as all people in Elvenar celebrate the customs of spring and fertility. Young and old are outside to have a look at the majestic May Tree, which blossoms in most beautiful colors. But not only does the Tree sparks interest, people from all over Elvenar have gathered for a fantastic fair: You see children on the...

Festive May Celebrations ...

Dear Humans and Elves,

It is time for festive decorations, as all people in Elvenar celebrate the customs of spring and fertility. Young and old are outside to have a look at the majestic May Tree, which blossoms in most beautiful colors. But not only does the Tree sparks interest, people from all over Elvenar have gathered for a fantastic fair: You see children on the...

Festive May Celebrations...

27 Apr


Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 30 April. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:


  • You can now help other players' Ancient Wonders easily when clicking someone's name in the chat.
  • Players who'd receive a Random Rune Shard reward from the Tournaments, but who've not...

Release Notes version 1.103...

Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 30 April. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:


  • You can now help other players' Ancient Wonders easily when clicking someone's name in the chat.
  • Players who'd receive a Random Rune Shard reward from the Tournaments, but who've not...

Release Notes version 1.10...

23 Apr

As you may know, when we released the latest update (for chapter 16) there was an issue where some of the expiring buildings did not provide the proper bonus (or any for that matter).

I'm happy to announce that earlier today we released a hotfix that fixed this problem - you can now place your buildings knowing full well that they work properly.

If there are any lingering issues please do not hesitate to contact the Elvenar US team over our...

Hotfix for Chapter 16 Expiring Buildings
As you may know, when we released the latest update (for chapter 16) there was an issue where some of the expiring buildings did not provide the proper bonus (or any for that matter).

I'm happy to announce that earlier today we released a hotfix that fixed this problem - you can now place your buildings knowing full well that they work properly.

If there are any lingering issues please do not hesitate to contact the Elvenar US team over our...

Hotfix for Chapter 16 Expiring Buildings

18 Apr


The Scouts you sent to Unur to investigate the neighboring continent for traces of your ancestors after Constructs left your city, have finally returned and they brought two guests: a Dwarven King and a Fairy Queen.

It appears that Unur is not only fertile again but the once extinct races you brought back to live in Elvenar have also reappeared there with their own...


The Scouts you sent to Unur to investigate the neighboring continent for traces of your ancestors after Constructs left your city, have finally returned and they brought two guests: a Dwarven King and a Fairy Queen.

It appears that Unur is not only fertile again but the once extinct races you brought back to live in Elvenar have also reappeared there with their own...


16 Apr


Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 16 April. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:


  • Tooltips explaining the purpose of Armories have been adjusted to indicate that they also increase the number of units that can be trained simultaneously in Training Ground and Mercenary...

Release Notes version 1.102

Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 16 April. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:


  • Tooltips explaining the purpose of Armories have been adjusted to indicate that they also increase the number of units that can be trained simultaneously in Training Ground and Mercenary...

Release Notes version 1.102

03 Mar


Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 5 March. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:


  • Rewards for top contributors in helping other players' Ancient Wonders are now always displayed in the help tab of the respective Ancient Wonder, even if no donations were made yet.
  • The...

Release Notes version 1.99

Release Notes

Dear Humans and Elves,

We're planning to update our United States worlds to the latest version on Thursday, 5 March. This update will include a number of changes, which you can find detailed below:


  • Rewards for top contributors in helping other players' Ancient Wonders are now always displayed in the help tab of the respective Ancient Wonder, even if no donations were made yet.
  • The...

Release Notes version 1.99