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Hey, Crowfolks!
For five years, it has been my incredible honor and a privilege to serve this community. Sharing a passion for Crowfall was always a joy, even on the hard days, because I knew that every conversation came from a desire to see the game succeed.
Today, I am announcing my departure from ArtCraft. I have decided to take some time off to focus on my personal life for a while.
I still believe in Crowfall as much today as I did when I saw the first Kickstarter video. Knowing Todd and Gordon as well as I do, I am convinced that they will follow through on their commitment to make the best game possible, and I’ll be waiting and watching from the sidelines with all of you for the big day when Crowfall is released to great acclaim.
There are no words to express my gratitude to all of the content creators, forum warriors and guild leaders who have made my job seem less job-like and more like hanging out with good fr...
Read moreHey folks,
We wanted to drop a quick update for you on the status of the TEST and LIVE environments over the next few weeks.
As of last week, the War of the Gods update is now running on our LIVE environment. This is a great milestone for Crowfall, and we want to thank you all for helping us to get here.
Now that 5.110 is on LIVE, we’ll be shutting down the TEST environment to clear the way for our next update. LIVE will be up indefinitely in the meantime.
We don’t want to run a Dregs test on LIVE until we have fixed a handful of issues, most notably fixing the scoring bugs, lowering the spawn rates of caravan animals, adjusting the siege schedule and tweaking the details of the campaign Victory cards. We also have the first of the three chapters of the new player experience almost ready, so that should be coming to TEST in the next version as well. Estimated time of arrival for the next version on TEST is one to t...
Read moreTo join a guild:
Log into your crowfall.com account. Go to your profile.
Scroll to the bottom of the menu on the left.
You'll see "Guild Invites" and "Guild Applications". Click as applicable.
To leave a guild:
Log into your crowfall.com account.
Go to https://crowfall.com/en-US/guild/settings
Select "Leave guild" on the bottom right side.
Hungry contacted me to say he accidentally posted this in the wrong forum. Please join the discussion here.
1. The signal for beta will be when we begin inviting non-backers to participate in the playtesting.
2. I'll say again that we wipe only when it's absolutely necessary. There will be a number of updates to correct issues and make improvements on LIVE, and it will be far better for newcomers to have 5.110 on LIVE than to continue playing the 5.100 version that has been there, without updates, for more than six months.
The build on LIVE has been there for quite some time, and people who are new to the game were not seeing all the great new things we've added since LIVE was last updated.
No, I was Seer Pann on Great Lakes. I knew a Pandora (in game and IRL) not sure what shard she played on, though.
C'est fantastique! Merci de l'avoir préparé, @royo! Au plaisir de le voir grandir. Je suis sûr que la communauté française appréciera d'avoir une si grande ressource.
Yes, there will be a wipe when the game transitions to beta. We try not to wipe unless we have to, but when there are major updates that require it, we will. This means it's not possible to project how many more wipes there may be between now and launch. And, yes, that means we will do a final wipe before the game launches.
Regarding Dregs, the testing for that will continue to be the focus on our TEST server environment. Those who want to participate in Dregs campaigns can playtest it on TEST.
Yes, it's today. Edited the original post. Thanks!
In light of our announcement today that Crowfall has officially entered the alpha testing phase, we are ready to bring the War of the Gods (5.110) update to our LIVE testing environment!
On Friday, May 29, the LIVE server will be taken offline at approximately 8:00 am CDT | 15:00 pm CEST in order to perform maintenance and to deploy the update. Initially, the LIVE environment will offer three of our five world bands: Eternal Kingdoms (the player-owned realms), God’s Reach (the starter area), and the Infected (3-faction-based campaign wars).
We are still in the process of testing and balancing the fourth world, the Dregs (guild -vs- guild campaigns) on TEST and will continue to do so, on TEST, for now. Those who wish to test this mode – and have a higher tolerance for playtest issues – are invited to download the TEST game client and log into TEST.
It’s important to remember that Crowfall is not a finished game. Whether you’re play...
Read moreIn light of our announcement today that Crowfall has officially entered the alpha testing phase, we are ready to bring the War of the Gods (5.110) update to our LIVE testing environment!
On Friday, May 29, the LIVE server will be taken offline at approximately 8:00 am CDT | 15:00 pm CEST in order to perform maintenance and to deploy the update. Initially, the LIVE environment will offer three of our five world bands: Eternal Kingdoms (the player-owned realms), God’s Reach (the starter area), and the Infected (3-faction-based campaign wars).
We are still in the process of testing and balancing the fourth world, the Dregs (guild -vs- guild campaigns) on TEST and will continue to do so, on TEST, for now. Those who wish to test this mode – and have a higher tolerance for playtest issues – are invited to download the TEST game client and log into TEST.
It’s important to remember that Crowfall is not a finished game. Whether you’re play...
Read moreThe current active test groups are Pre-Alpha 1 through Beta 3. They can see their test group from their Account page. The TL;DR is that if someone has a pledge or backer pack, they can play. Anyone without a pack who has registered will get an invitation at some point during closed beta.
Alpha has arrived for Crowfall!
Our internal testing of the next client update is looking good enough that we could possibly kick off a new EU Dregs campaign on TEST as early as tomorrow morning (Austin time). Please watch this forum and our Discord channel for the announcement. We’d appreciate having as many participants as possible to really hammer on this thing. Thanks!
How the Classes of Crowfall correlate to your favorite RPG classes
It’s exciting to see how many new players are entering the Throne War each day (remember, only Backers have the ability to join and play now - once we hit Closed Beta registered players will be invited to join and play by Beta group based on when you registered). We know that getting started can sometimes be confusing particularly when there are two servers to choose from (see “Choosing your Crowfall server”) that each offer a different gameplay experience.
Our recommendation is for new Crows to first wet your beaks in the LIVE test environment. Here you’ll find the content from our previous update, The Fortunes of War (5.100), offering a smoother, more predictable gameplay experience that’s had the benefit of months of playtesting by the Crowfall community. The Getting Battle Ready guide will help you advance at your own pace and get familiar with the cool powers and skills your character can acquire and master...
Read more@SAM_BUKA, the questions were handed off to the team. When/if they are answered comes down to time. Everyone who can answer the questions is eyeballs deep in addressing the issues that are preventing us from sparking up a new Dregs campaign. (We're close, but not quite there yet.) I hope you'll agree that we're putting our energy in the right place and it's worth a delay in getting answers to extra live stream questions.