I love this far more than I have any right to.
I love this far more than I have any right to.
Thanks for working so hard on this game! Keep it up!
Q: Will there be more updates to the Firing Range? I would love to be able to have more dummies for practicing long shots with snipers. Like having them running around in the distance, doing zig-zags, and more. Kinda like what fighting games have where you can make the dummy record a sequence and then repeat it over and over so you can learn easier and by yourself the mechanics of the game
We want to work on a better onboarding experience in general, and this is a pretty cool idea. I am a big fight game nerd, so will definitely pass this along. :)
What were some of the tried and canceled ultimates for the characters?
Horizon used to have Newt create a large low-grav AOE affectionately called the 'bouncy castle'. It didn't have much use in gameplay, but MAN it was fun! We also had the reverse as a test which was the 'ultra gravity dome' which was called 'the no fun castle' for removing the ability to sprint or climb. While effective it was TOO effective. I miss the bouncy castle haha.
Are we getting Team Deathmatch in the near future? 🤲🏾
We are always looking at ways to expand the the play spaces of our Legends beyond Battle Royale. All I'll say is that we have a lot of really cool prototypes in the works. :)
We actually are giving away 100 coins at the end of the Free Track. :)
That is why you see only 9 in the Premium roll-out on the site.
Already commented on Twitter, but gonna throw down some more love here:
This is WHY we make games. This is what gets me up in the morning just HYPE to try and get some more in there for you folks. This raw, creative talent and appreciation for this universe we are lucky enough to be a part of together.
I was a huge fan of Apex before I joined the team and this is the kind of ENERGY that fuels us every day. You've made a few devs tear up when you posted this, and I'm sure many more who see it shared around the office on Monday.
<3 We have plenty more coming and I am just STOKED it is giving y'all as much excitement as we have making it.
So again: Thank you for this. Just makes the nerve-racking, butterfly-inducing experience of launching a season all the more awesome. <3
Happiest of Birthdays! Awesomeness abound! :D
This is fan-freakin-TASTIC and I love it.
How many years of studying did it take you to graduate into Game Design asking because I'm getting into it.
One year of super-intense work; one of those 'you get what you put into it' type deals. Plenty of 2 year programs with a lot more breathing room out now that I'd say are probably a bit better for work/life balance and not set you up thinking massive crunch is the only way to get it done.
u/RV-YaBoiBrian - so who came up with the idea for Horizon first? More importantly, who decided to make her a Scottish Dr. Who?
Loving the new season, kerfuffle around the battlepass aside..
Like most things, was a huge team effort to arrive at the Horizon we know and love today! I did the original prototyping in script for her, based a lot off of Octavia's energy of awesome female scientist with some devious intentions... but of course we had our design team work with our writing team right from the very beginning in an effort to make her entirely her own. One of our writers locked in that her very essence was Scottish, and we named her after Mary Somerville (https://...
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