Options like this often get overlooked in many game
no they dont, they just try to spin it positively that they went 10 years without basic options. f**king shitters with bullshit pr talk
Ah, let me be more specific. That quote wasn't meant to be "look what we're doing special", it was "look, we did the thing that a lot of good games do and we really should be doing, but a lot of folks gloss over."
Options like this often get overlooked by a lot of players of games. A wonderful number of games have these options. Pretty much every FPS game opens with a (sometimes cleverly disguised) gamma slider, for example.
When writing up the patch note, I'll make sure to word it more intently to that. Alla something like, "These are options that are easy to overlook but they are present in a lot or even most major games elsewhere and for those of us who need them they are critical." Or even taking out the overlook statement altogether.
Thanks for calling that wording out. :D