

18 Jan

    Spirit on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Nomads!
We’ve recently wrapped up our second Season 6 test and are excited to share our thoughts with you. Season 6 has been our most collaborative season yet, bringing both great opportunities and unique challenges. We deeply appreciate everyone who has taken the time to test, provide feedback, and adapt as we navigate the bumps along the way.

Our Vision for Season 6
In our last post, we said that S6 would be a return to the PvP roots of Last Oasis. our aim is to capture the spirit of what made the game special while moving it forward. To us, forward means improving the games accessibility while keeping the core.

We want to share a personal anecdote from our time playing that demonstrates the gameplay we’re trying to achieve. Our clan was debating between jumping into a proxy fight, trying to loot an asteroid event, or contesti... Read more

24 May

    Spirit on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Nomads!
It’s been an exciting few months for us with the release of the Last Oasis Modkit and Bellwright. We’ve been thrilled to see the incredible creations from our talented community using the modkit.
Bryan has been diligently improving the modkit to provide you with the tools needed to create your desired experiences. To support this, we’ve decided to merge all current S6 changes into the Modkit branch. While these changes might break some mods, we believe it’s better to address these issues now rather than later.
Please note that these changes are a work in progress. They don’t represent the final state of S6 and many are still prototypes. However, they aim to address significant issues from S5 and offer a better foundation for modding.
Here are some of the key changes:
  • Walker Cap: Each walker has a specific amount of "walker power." The total max walker power on each tile can be 100, 200, or 300 based on the clan cap. Walker...
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