

08 Feb

Originally posted by Cyfour

Please learn what POV means

Please go teach someone who asked

Originally posted by friozi

Pubg oficial discord... If u join there u will see all the comments about it.. definitely they increase the probability to get those new progressive skin. Maybe to encourage us to spend more money on it.

That just means that more people opened crates. Does not mean that the company has increased the % chance of skin drops. And, spoiler alert, the discounts are exactly there to encourage spending. They are not there to maybe do it.

Originally posted by Maleficent_Internet9



Originally posted by friozi

Everyone got that m24... They increase the probability to got them... Lol

Where did you get that fact from? 🧐

06 Feb

03 Feb

02 Feb

Originally posted by doomer_jesus

I would have never thought to try that lol

You can do it with all similar missions. "Pick up 70 items in a match" or "Pick up 1 item 70 times" means the same in PUBG.

01 Feb

29 Jan

24 Jan

23 Jan

Originally posted by UbermachtRhinehart

Wait so how do u claim the rewards? Is it in match or...?

Yep, you open the map in the pre game lobby and replace them up to 3 times. Once you do them, the rewards are spawned in your inventory or dropped on the ground if you don't have space.

Originally posted by philip0908

If you don't want an opinion on your content, why post it in the first place? You're just pissed that people don't hysterically compliment you on your video.

Not quite - yours wasnt an opinion. You acted like you were on some council of content judges, implying there are rules and requirements that need to be met.

Originally posted by philip0908

I thought you're a player from more or less the first hour and it surprised the great reddit gatekeeper that you consider a video worth sharing in which you try to kill a bot with a stun gun, fail, take a Panzerfaust instead, and then die from the bluezone. All in all, I found the video to be very unremarkable. But if that is the content that excites you after 6, 7 years, whatever floats your boat man, keep going.

You found it unremarkable, great, no one cares - it's a random short on reddit. No one is here to read about what you find remarkable vs crap. You know what people who dislike a short do? They scroll down/away/move on. I am not here to submit videos before X-Factor judges. They are silly, insignificant shorts.

22 Jan

Originally posted by tomjames93

Gz on your bot kill

Thanks, I've always wanted to kill one.

Originally posted by philip0908

Isn't this guy a mod or something? Why tf does he think that this clip is worth to share? xD

You don't have to talk about him in third person, you can address me directly since you are in the comment section of my post.

I am sorry, did I miss a rule somewhere that says only certain video content should be posted? Could you explain what kind of video content is allowed and what kind isn't, oh the great reddit content gatekeeper and judge πŸ™πŸ™Œ

Let me know what kind of subjective guideline of what is considered interesting should be followed so I know for the next time.

19 Jan

16 Jan