

21 Oct


Originally posted by _brabrabra2_

I didn't miss that lul. I just didn't mention it.
My teammates also said that when I screen share to them.
But it's a fun experience to explore the unknown plains.

Daaang it was that bad huh? :')

Normally it means somewhere in the server it didn't connect you to the right one or it didn't make the connection so I've raised it with our teams to see if they can look into it.


Originally posted by _brabrabra2_

Mine was from the White House. but other guys..... IDK.

No worries, I'll see what we can investigate with this one.

Also you missed my narnia joke ;)


Originally posted by _brabrabra2_

It's a glitch when fast traveling to The Summit as a group.
One of my teammates appears in nowhere. So I fast travel to him via Social section.

The replication of this glitch still unknown.

Where did you all fast travel from? Were you in Washington or New York?


Originally posted by Beramin

I got this game when it was on 85% off. Wasn’t doing so well in terms of mentally and socially at that point. I started playing this game and slowly started getting involved in this community. And i found a group of people in a random matchmaking in the summit and since then we 4 have gotten really close. Playing this game each day gave me a sense of purpose a sense of going on. And with that it helped me realize many other things and helped me improve myself.

This is what makes me so proud to be part of The Division community <3 The differences that it can make to someone's mental health and wellbeing is fantastic. I'm so happy to hear that this has helped you to keep going on. Thank you for sharing :)

Also - Great Photo ;)


Where were you all trying to go ? What happened to get you here?

Did you go through the wardrobe?


We have raised the healer hive with the teams, however for the turret, do you have any videos of this happening? Thank you


This is really cool! I dig it


AND YOU DID IT SOLO? Congrats Agent! Nice work


Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I've flagged this with our teams.


Your mum is my hero <3


Originally posted by Volkenrath

Sadly i can confirm, it has not been fixed.

You are correct, the fix is actually with Title Update 12.


Originally posted by eotto17

Wasn't fixed with title update 11.1 sadly. May have gotten missed this patch.

You are correct, the fix is scheduled for Title Update 12. Thanks for keeping me on my toes :)


Originally posted by ValaShen

You can see on the map at the end; it's the west side of Constitution Hall.

I apologise I didn't watch all the video, that's more than enough information for me to go on. Thank you so much! :)

20 Oct


Originally posted by DeepPT

Hey thnx for the reply. It happens next to that door and also I front of the stash. Playing on pc (recorded on cellphone since it was faster to do it) and its the only place I found that does this visual glitch.

Sure thing, also this is good to know, thank you! Also it doesn't matter how it was recorded, as long as we can see it we're good


Originally posted by SSG75

Whats up with the delta in summit? Its happening to everyone I’ve played with including me. I’ve never disconnected like this until today

our teams are currently investigating this on our side as we noticed this has been happening to players.


Our teams are currently aware and investigating what is going on here.


Ooooff that's nasty!

Does this happen just in this position ? Which console are you on ?
Is this something which you can get to happen again when you re pawn in this safehouse?


Originally posted by NoLaughingMatter22

And Vasily is just over there being possessed by a demon.

I was also too busy looking at Vasily :')


Originally posted by sekiroredditguy

u/Ubi-Toon this happens with a lot of guns. are you saying next update the elbow issue will be fixed for all guns? cause this happens with the fal, tavar assault, sc-40k..etc.

From my understanding it was down to the vertical fore grips?
If this is not the case, please feel free to let me know and we can help fix lots of arms


This happens when the room data portal is incorrectly aligned with the environment, it will cause the light to leak through. Where in the world did you find this?

I love that your first thought was "ooooooooo go towards the light" ;)