

04 Dec

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's an issue that the team is aware of and looking into!
Originally Posted by R-A-Y-T-H-E-O-N

Like a 100fps loss

Now the map runs mid teens to twenties instead of the usual 120+
Geeze, that's a hefty hit. Might have something to do with all of the white-light coloration? I haven't seen anyone else reporting anything akin to this, but I'll keep an eye out to see if it's a widespread issue.
This is the first I'm seeing of this - how intense is the frame rate droppage?
We do not currently support cross platform content transfer, only cross generation!

03 Dec

Originally Posted by R-A-Y-T-H-E-O-N
I've tried multiple times to swap it from EUS to SCUS and no matter what I do or how I save the file it reverts to EUS

I've been trying out the new Vulkan version is there a separate gamesettings.ini for the Vulcan release because modifying the regular file isn't working.

Is it a format issue that I'm screwing up or what because it looks like in the file they actually changed the names of the servers because South Central United States is no longer listed in the .ini as SCUS but as something entirely different.

Is this a bug or user error because it used to work just fine?
Hey Raytheon! We changed the proces... Read more
Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! Double check the date of the thread before commenting!
Thanks everyone! I'll look over these and send the back!
Hey Raytheon! I'm not sure what the play there is to be honest with you. I think the closest you might be able to get to playing Siege on mobile is with a supported game streaming service.

02 Dec

Originally Posted by Lt.BigMeaty_Dan
So I discovered a weird Kapkan bug in Neon Dawn. If you place one of his traps next to a piece of furniture, like say next to the little night stand by the door on Clubhouse bedroom, his body actually destroys the furniture. Like makes it explode. I literally thought one of my teammates was shooting at me when I was placing traps until I figured out what was going on. I've been playing this game for a long time, and I play Kapkan a lot, and this has never happened before Neon Dawn.
Whoa, absolutely noted. Do you have a clip of this I can send up the chain?
Hey all, as mentioned in the patch notes, this game download will be bigger as we are doing some data consolidation! Even though the patch is bigger it will take up less space on your hard drive.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Really glad to hear it!
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I've been staring at the clock, waiting to get off to get started on it! Trust me, the excitement is definitely there, and I'm glad to see it reciprocated in the community.
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Glad you're enjoying it! Did the update fix your resolution issues as well?
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Please refrain from necro-ing old threads! double check the date of the thread before commenting on it!

01 Dec

    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Moving to player support!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I just double checked that - definitely odd. I believe it's out of rotation currently, but I'll bring this up. Thanks for pointing it out!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Vulkan is an alternative API for launching games! Some players report less issues and higher FPS with it, but it is still in it's testing phase, so it doesn't work well with certain PC's. The only way to really know for sure if it's better for you is to give it a shot!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Did this end up working for you?
    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by R-A-Y-T-H-E-O-N
I use my PTT as my Mouse4 button and unfortunately Shadowplay can't bind a PTT to a mouse button I have no idea why and I don't wanna leave my mic open as I have tons of background noise.

I cant multi macro it in Synapse as the bind causes in game lag when attaching Shadowplay to a PTT through GeForce Experience...

BTW mods before you get your jimmies ruffled I need support assistance with this I cant get a support ticket going at this time something weird is going on with my ticket
Have you tried reaching out through our ... Read more