

24 Jul


Originally posted by pethas123

When your 0/20 yasuo-yone botlane carries the game... Best feeling ever

Playing around this powerspike


Originally posted by IkaMusume12


What the frick is she trying to find in Bilgewater tho


Originally posted by AigisAegis

What stands out to me here is that it seems like Yone was designed in a very "top-down" way. Rather than starting with an idea for a kit and creating a concept, they began with the idea of Yone and designed a kit for him. Both his fleshed-out backstory and his kit evolved from a desire to make Yone a champion.

I don't remember whether that was the case for Senna and Kai'Sa as well, but either way, it's cool to see. Most League champions seem to be designed "bottom-up", so seeing some top-down design like this is really interesting to me. I think it paid off, because his kit seems really effective at reflecting his story and lore.

This whole article is actually a really fascinating look into how narrative and gameplay design intersect in League, with a lot of moments of one influencing the other and vice versa. It's a great read for that reason.

I love our DNA approach to champ dev! It’s so inspiring to get to jam closely w gameplay and art and really discover a champion. EndlessPillows is an incredible designer who really thrives on bringing a character’s story and holistic fantasy to life, and RiotEarp’s work just blew us away at every stage.


Originally posted by AigisAegis

Oh shit, I looked up Riot Pls just now, and I didn't realize he was Michael Yichao.

He was absolutely fantastic when he was working with Wizards of the Coast ("Endure" is one of the best stories they ever put out). I was super happy to see him move to Riot, and I'm glad he's smurfing the writing as hard as ever.

😭😅Thanks for the kind words! Working on Yone was such a fun challenge. ❤️


Lots of people worked super hard to make this piece happen, but I want to shout out the writer, Twitter.com/thefakeDana, who did an amazing job. This was one of her first projects at Riot and I felt so lucky to get to work w her to tell Yone’s story in this medium!

15 Jul


Originally posted by OnlyAnEssenceThief

Yes, she's the fox that leads Yone (or whoever that is) through the afterlife.

Edit: I think /u/TyKindred is right in that this video is actually a continuation of the Ionian legend in Perennial:

Long ago, the world was perfectly balanced. It was as an enormous tree full of life, with each branch, each leaf, each bloom carefully and thoughtfully positioned so that the sun and rain could nourish them all. The people, the animals, and the spirits were at peace. There was no word for “war” because there had never been battles or bloodshed.

One day, the Gatekeeper and the Collector crossed paths. The Collector saw how many spirits the Gatekeeper had led through the spirit realm to peace and happiness, and he grew jealous of her

The Collector grew envious of all the spirits that the Gatekeeper had helped find peace, and so he ...

Read more


24 Jun


Originally posted by Arcoy

If it's canon does that mean my job is also canon. Er, real?

See you at the stand up Monday, Pyke.


Originally posted by Kicin0_0

You never said I couldn't quote it 😋

Well played.


23 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


I could be remembering wrong but generally we don’t post new content onto Reddit. Rioters are happy to chat and answer questions but I know I want convos to come from players who don’t work here first :)


Originally posted by Tortferngatr

Random question: Why are these in reverse order? I only learned about this story today, and it does seem like it would be weird for the third through fifth parts to come in reverse as well (particularly given that the story doesn't feel like one where more important details get revealed in the past).

The latest parts are posted at the top first, while the rest get moved into chronological order. The idea was so anyone who came to find the story from the client or see the latest didn’t have to scroll to find it.

18 May


Part two is up! AEGIS: Ezreal meets Pantheon. :-)