

03 Apr


Oy :) It's misleading that way. It should've said "Added sexy soldier icon into multiplayer" :)

The proper implementation will come the patch or two after tomorrow's one

22 Mar


Originally posted by jakesnyder

Why don't you have a dev flair?

I had at one point but the someone removed it.

No idea who moderates this sub - I guess it is up to them :D


It's coming to the base game soon too, then with more goodies :)


Originally posted by BleedingUranium

A wonderful QoL feature that was missing in BF1 is finally back! Thanks (I assume) u/_jjju_ for this! You can now step through the individual RGB values with the D-Pad (or equivalent) allowing us to pick specific colours, instead of having to get "close enough" with the picker tool.

Note that these are not the default Firestorm colours, I changed mine to match the normal self/squad/team/enemy colour palette of BFV.

Not sure who implemented it. My role was only to get the task created a while back and push for it as important :)

19 Mar


Hmmm. Recently I was pointed to this thread so I just tried my dev build and the touchpad swipes were still working fine just as before. Am I missing something? Is this not working for everyone or just one person?

P.S. Keep in mind, hold functionality has never been supported (both BF1 and BFV) since I haven't found the time to implement it.

18 Mar


We've been doing permanent bans on HW id in Battlefield since a long time ago.

It works against the casual cheaters but any decent cheater can change their HW id and bypass the HW bans in Apex, Battlefield or any other game.

Nothing interesting in that article which Battlefield anti-cheat hasn't covered already.

14 Mar


Originally posted by FullyLowkey

I thought this was already fixed. Either way yay for bullets going where the sights are.

Yes, it was fixed in general but found some math bugs which were introducing a bit in some cases.

All math is fixed now :)You will not notice much besides you may get the feeling that you aim better :) Magic

Lots of players won't notice any changes because there are no changes in the weapons visuals and whether one's bullet went 5 pixels or so off or not is not that easy to tell (unless one is a really experienced player or a pro)


The chat system in the game changed (vs. the one used in BF1/BF4/etc.) and the new one doesn't have the feature to show system messages. When/if that gets reimplemented, Fairfight messages can come back.

And even though you don't see any stats currently, every day lots of cheaters are banned for good from BFV