

27 Mar

As we sail full speed into April, the fifth instalment of the Spotlight Showcase is here! We last checked in with you all the way back in November, so there’s a whole new cast of Sea of Thieves Spotlight occupants to walk you through, with scientists, artists, streamers and even a carpenter here to share their thoughts. Without any further ado, let’s dive in…

Leafing all the way back through the 2022 holiday season, we find plant prospector {LINK REMOVED}Solarlunar34 in the Community Spotlight! Discussing his experiences with Ancient Isles University, the ‘Plant King’ explained how he got into pirate plant classification and what go... Read more

22 Mar

Hello! Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’ll have noticed we’ve gone hard on Sea of Thieves’ {LINK REMOVED}fifth anniversary celebrations. From feature-length films to in-game events and beautiful login bonuses, we’ve ensured that our big day has been commemorated with the biggest bang possible. A mega-keg of shenanigans, if you will.

One of the most exciting events still to come in this anniversary month is our Community Weekend, taking place from March 25th-27th. It’s going to be a jam-packed weekend of gifts, on-sea action and an outrageous number of opportunities for loot – so to make sure you don’t miss any of the key information, we’re serving it up hot right here. We’ll get into the details in a moment, but not ... Read more

17 Mar

Season Nine of Sea of Thieves has arrived, packed to bursting with fresh features, prized plunder and many quality of life improvements to make the pirate life more approachable and enjoyable for all.
As players have come to expect, a new Season also brings 100 levels of progression to be climbed by living the pirate life and raising Renown, picking up a steady stream of rewards while rising through the ranks – while Season Nine’s optional Plunder Pass adds exclusive extra content to that treasure pile. Find out more about how Seasons work in our {LINK REMOVED}Seasons Explained and {LINK REMOVED}... Read more

15 Mar

There’s a lot going on around Sea of Thieves’ fifth anniversary, but one thing you may not have noticed in the barrage of freebies, announcements and events is the arrival of a couple of new editions of Sea of Thieves itself. Both include all the permanent content released for the game up to now, and both are available from today! Here’s a quick breakdown of what makes each one different…

2023 Edition
The new standard version of Sea of Thieves. Anyone buying the game and joining us on the seas starting from today will get the 2023 Edition, which comes with a nice cache of extras to help you look sharp from your very first Voyage: the Hunter Cutlass, Pistol, Compass, Hat, Jacket and Sails, plus 10,000 gold for a shopping sp... Read more

09 Mar

The shortest of months has passed us by in record time, but that hasn’t stopped us from packing those 28 days with exciting content to get stuck into. There’s so much to cover that we’re just going to skip the preamble and dive right in, okay? Okay. Let’s go.

Content Update After the stargazing Adventure that took up the second half of January, we decided that in February we’d keep our attentions a little closer to home with the latest {LINK REMOVED}Community Day! On February 11th, pirates from across the seas came together to celebrate, and many of you ... Read more

07 Mar

The fifth anniversary of Sea of Thieves is almost upon us! If you were able to tune in to the preview livestream on Twitch or YouTube, you’ll already know that the celebrations are already well underway – but if not, have no fear! We’re here to sum up everything that’s happening in the next few weeks and fill you in on how you can get involved, unlocking a pile of rewards for yourself in the process.

The party kicked off on March 6th, with the Marauder’s Medley Event. Spanning 10 days, this Event revisits some of Sea of Thieves’ greatest updates by offerin... Read more

03 Mar

The time has come once again to take a peek behind the curtain of one of our latest in-game cosmetic collections. After shedding light on the {LINK REMOVED}Snowbound Ship Lantern and unpicking the punk biker aesthetic of the {LINK REMOVED}Islehopper Outlaw set in previous instalments, we thought that this time we’d head in a slightly more… sinister direction. Enter the assassin-inspired Ravenwood collection, available through the Season Eight Plunder Pass!

As well as a corvid-themed ship design, the Ravenwood collection features o... Read more
The time has come once again to take a peek behind the curtain of one of our latest in-game cosmetic collections. After shedding light on the {LINK REMOVED}Snowbound Ship Lantern and unpicking the punk biker aesthetic of the {LINK REMOVED}Islehopper Outlaw set in previous instalments, we thought that this time we’d head in a slightly more… sinister direction. Enter the assassin-inspired Ravenwood collection, available through the Season Eight Plunder Pass!

As well as a corvid-themed ship design, the Ravenwood collection features o... Read more

10 Feb

Welcome to 2023! Would you believe it’s already been over a month since the start of the new year? Well, turns out it has because we’re back with another round-up of all the goings-on and happenings of January, all together in one convenient place. If you’d thought we’d have a quiet few weeks after the holiday break excitement then you couldn’t be more wrong. Let’s get into it…

Content Update The big event in January was, of course, our latest time-limited Adventure. {LINK REMOVED}‘The Secret Wilds’ had players following in the footsteps of Captain Briggsy as her memories took form throughout The Wilds and beyond. Using her old mask, now imbued with mystical powers by Madame Olivia, pirates were able to find shapes in the stars and uncover the legend of a ... Read more

06 Feb

Season Seven saw the latest creative contest swing onto the seas, and our crew and community alike delighted in a stream of stylish screenshots and clever clothing combos, with the prestigious Fashionista’s Finery Gloves being awarded to all the top scoundrel stylists who impressed us.

Of course, as Season Seven was the first iteration of the contest, we were eager to see how things went – and while some elements worked well and resulted in a colourful catwalk of costume creations, it was clear that we needed to take other parts back to the workshop for alterations. After some internal conversation, we're now pleased to present the latest rendition of rules for the next Style of Thieves contest.

Some things will stay the same while others will be changing, so make sure you read the rundown carefully if you’re planning on strutting your stuff for Season Eight!

... Read more

02 Feb

While it might be a little too late to wish you all a Happy New Year, we can definitely wish you a Happy February – and with it, the arrival of another Sea of Thieves Community Day. This Valentine’s Day-tinted community celebration is one to slink straight into your sailing schedules, with the proceedings kicking off at 10am UTC on Saturday, February 11th and lasting a full 24 hours.

While Season Eight’s brilliant new Battle for the Sea of Thieves feature might be a little bit fighty, we’ve carved out this day as a special 24 hours of showing you, our amazing community, some love. And how are we going to do that, you may ask? Well, we’re about to tell you. Let’s get into it…

Treats for Tweets Hopefully you all know the drill by now, but if you don’t, allow us to recap. The beauty of Community Day is that we put in-game rewards in your hands and give you the opportunity to collectively boost the Community Emissary Grade via Twitter. Simply by tweeting #SeaOfThi... Read more

19 Jan

It’s a triple treat in this month’s content update as we point the way to a brand new time-limited Adventure, score a bullseye in the Pirate Emporium and deploy another set of improvements to the Battle for the Sea of Thieves! If you need a reminder of what everyone’s fighting about, rediscover the Season Eight trailer below...

You can also look back on the release notes from {LINK REMOVED}Season Eight’s launch for the complete picture, but if you know full well what the state of play is on the seas these days, don’t let us keep you any longer from sifting through the spoils of this latest update!
... Read more

17 Jan

If there’s one thing that can travel across the waves faster than a Galleon at full billow, it’s gossip. Grog-houses across the Sea of Thieves continue to buzz with stories and speculation, discussing strange areas of lush growth and sapphire skies that have mysteriously appeared throughout the normally desolate region known as The Wilds.

Over at The Unicorn tavern, however, Tasha is in no mood to join in with rumourmongering as she continues to face a private peril of her own. Her last few weeks have been spent waiting impatiently for answers to arrive, however indirectly, from an old friend…

Testing Times There are many different kinds of transformative curses that can plague pirates going about their business, but not all of them are entirely unwelcome. Some crews will even go so far as to accept an affliction willingly as a sign of dedication to the likes of {LINK REMOVED}... Read more

12 Jan

It’s a brand new year, but we can’t leave the old one behind without a final round-up now, can we? So much happened in December that frankly it’s all a bit of a blur, but we’ve picked out a few highlights to share as we take a look back over the happenings of the final month in 2022…

Content Update The Festival of Giving is still fresh in our memory, but if you cast your mind even further back you’ll realise just how much was going on in December! The first major development came in the form of {LINK REMOVED}‘The Rogue’s Legacy’, our tenth Adventure, which saw players joining the search for a cure to Tasha’s osteal ailment. Fortunately, following in Briggsy’s footsteps left Madame Olivia with the tools she needed to learn more.

Later in the month,... Read more

15 Dec

While the Factions continue to clash as we breach the second month of Season Eight, a growing spark of camaraderie can be found in the taverns as the annual Festival of Giving returns – although crews fully focused on the Battle for the Sea of Thieves will also find improvements and adjustments made to the flow of battle this month. If you’re not sure what all this talk of Factions is about, take a dive back into the Season Eight launch trailer!

The Season Eight {LINK REMOVED}launch release notes are a crucial port of call for anyone needing the specifics, while {LINK REMOVED}... Read more

13 Dec

That’s right friends, November is already over! With so much going on, we’ve barely had time to notice the days passing and yet here we are in December with so many things to catch you up on. From a fresh Adventure to an entire Season update, November positively overflowed with content. So grab a mug of your beverage of choice, brace yourself and let’s dive right in.
Content Update We wasted no time in getting into it at the start of the month by jumping into the ‘Return of the Damned’ Adventure. As Captain Flameheart threatened to return and Pendragon laid his freedom on the line, players spent two weeks battling it out to capture Sea Forts and raise Flags for their chosen side. With almost 400,000 Soulflame Captains returned to the Veil in that time, you’ve almost got to feel sorry for the ghosts.

It was a hard-fought struggle, but ultimately the mighty Reapers could not be stopped. Pendragon was banished back into a painting – leading to a ... Read more

09 Dec

As Season Eight continues, the team have been working on the next time-limited Adventure along with additional fixes based on feedback from the community. We’re introducing more of this content to the game in today’s release, update

For more information on all the features that arrived last month in Season Eight, check out the {LINK REMOVED}launch release notes!

While decorating her tavern for the Festival of Giving, Tasha finds a long-forgotten gift from Captain Briggsy. She sets out to follow the map, but returns with much more than she bargained for. Now she and Madame Olivia seek the aid of fearless pirates in this {LINK REMOVED}... Read more